Bite The Curb Bitch!

Jul 24, 2005 22:42

Well, This weekend was pwnage ferr sherr. Haha.

- Josh came over early and we went to Ax In Hand for bass strings. We sat there playing this sweet ass Epiphone guitar on this sweet ass Line 6 amp. We cored up the place with chugga chugga breakdowns and a little Green Day for you softies.

-Then we drove to Mcdonalds which is approximately 40 ft from Ax In Hand. He got some big ass burger loaded in grease with some fries and hooked myself up with a fruit salad. I love those. Alot. I was pissed with this Mickey D's cause they totally didnt give me a green fork. Fuckers.

-After our sweet meal, we actually walked another 40 ft to record rev to look at the CD's. I found tonsss that I want. for cheap as hell too. Armor for sleep, Acceptance, Neaera, Invocation Of Nehek, Comeback Kid, Throwdown, damn I cant remember the rest off the top of my head. But, they were loaded. **RANDY DONT STEAL THEM!!** HOE!

-We went back to Josh's house to drop off the car. A whole 3 hrs gone doing this stuff. Haha, funny story. We parked the car right in front of his house and were sitting there. His mom comes walking out of the house, passes the car, keeps walking down the street towards my house and Josh is like "Umm mom we're home". She looked like she felt stupid. At Josh's house we chilled up in his room for a few and played some "My Lack Of Trust, Your Flavor of Intensity." That was rad. Acoustic and bass.

-I guess Dave was trying to call me like 8 times and we walked back to my house for ban practice, late. Well, I guess we just didnt get the call. Although, my phone was dying. Its cool though they werent pissed. Angel came in was like "Whatchu aint answerin yo phone for?" "We callt you 8 times." He's funny because he's gay(literally) and makes me laugh.

-We started off band practice with a fuckin bang. I always love playing "Diet A&W Rootbeer's Better" because its so damn intense. A little feed back and a 1,2,3,4 count and BAM! BITCH...its on. Kill the bitch her body has been buried.

-Now the shitty part comes now: We practice and practice, and Ive had this shitty drumset since Ive lived in this house so like, 4-5 yrs. It was bound to happen. A new record - 4 broken drumstick and a busted bass drum head. HOW FUCKIN CORE IS THAT?!?!. Still the show went on. I put on my old shitty drumhead which was actually louder but crappier quality than my other one. We ended with Jeff which was awesome because I got to say the line in the beginning. I actually had a mic for this practice too and got to do some crazy shit with dave. I think he was getting aggrivated cause my mic sounded louder. haha. oh well.

-The night goes on....In the midst of practice or after, Im not sure, Randy and Dave start hardcore dancing to some Anterrabae and It DIes Today. Either earlier that day or the day before me and randy were dancing to the same stuff. It was awesome.

-We head to Randys for some din din, where the fam. usually hangs to get wasted and what not. Then we go back to my house and start playing video games. Randy and Dave start with some Madden. Randy loses but it was a very close game. Angel shows a fruit cup in his mouth, showing us he knows how to work it. HALO 2!!: Amy gets pissed at Dave: knocks off his hat and then smacks him in the face. Randy gets pissed at Dalton: gets up throws controller at Dalton and walks home. Dave leaves and the night ends.


-Its hot as hell!!! 107 degrees with the heat index, 99 without.

-Dalton and I go out to take some pics (killswitch hoodie, leather jacket, snow pants)

 I tell you, It was cold!


Dalton missed when it hit 100...instead he got "3:34PM"

-We continued out our journey to DQ when I forgot I didnt get money from the bank. Went into the auto dealer by DQ to turn around, reverse, drive, curb. Thats all you need to know. Went to the bank, then DQ, drove home with melted ice cream for everyone, slept all day, went to Blockbuster, now Im home.
What a wonderful weekend.

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