Jan 23, 2013 01:10
this is mostly for myself but-
I forgot how good DP can be sometimes. I dunno if BW just lowered my standards for character development bu damn the writers were really good with consistency with their Sinnoh crew. I just finished DP066 and its one of my favorite episodes just because you can see how everyone is developing - Dawn not only went to talk with Winoah(sp) (which she wouldn't have had the confidence to earlier), but passed on Zoey's advice about getting back on the log and such. Reggie was of course a nice addition too, and I liked the dialogue between him and Brock about the badges on display (no Brock, those are my badges--implying some criticism on Paul or at least giving Brock some significance as overseeing Ash.) Those little sparks of chemistry and development really made the series great.
You gotta love how much more assertive Dawn is getting, too - pushing to do the gym battle before Ash and everything.