I stumbled on this collection of wonderful advertisements for a variety of products and encourage everyone to check it out posthaste:
http://www.weirdomatic.com/creepy-ads.html. A few stood out to me:
- For the messaging, I am voting the "For Prompt Control of Senile Agitation - Thorazine"
- For photography, the woman holding the giant steak. I want to marry her and die young of coronary disease.
- The Union Carbide ad "Science helps build a new India" (with what I can only pray is Bhopal in the background) wins the social irony prize as well as gets a solid thumbs up from me for using the social realism art style, which I am a sucker for.
- The Fry's Chocolate ad is... damn. How can that not be a work of art? Seriously.. damn!