Jun 17, 2008 01:05
Ok so like I'm a horrible journal updater but its whatever. So about a month ago or so I was at work minding my business when all of the sudden I got overly bitchly more so then usual. I started yelling at everyone and cussing and I got really shaky and pissed off like some demon had overcome my body. Then I started crying out of nowhere and I grabbed a razor blade and slit my wrist while I was working. So my boss comes up to me and hugs me and he made an appointment with a doctor to get me some kind of help. So I go to the doctor and I was telling her my major malfunction and everything, and on top of being nuts out of my mind, I ended up with an ear infection and strep throat. Not to mention a fever of 103 degrees. I dont know where that shit came from because I didnt feel sick or anything. So she put me on this mood stabalizer shit to keep me from having manic episodes and whatnot, It seems to be helping. I mean I still get bitchy but not nearly as bad as before. Its a good thing because I've been driving myself crazy with these mood swings and junk. I've been dealing with it for 3 years or more because I stopped taking medicine in like 2004 or 2005 I dont remember which. and I thought I was doing pretty good on my own keeping this shit under control.
On another note, I finally passed my Pharmacy Technician Certification. YAY ME!!!!!!! So now I'm Nationally Certified and I can get a job at any pharmacy in the United States and get paid more money just for being certified. I got a whole dollar raise at work which wont fucking kick in til next paycheck and that sucks because the bank is an asshole and my car insurance payment let me over withdrawl like 200 some dollars so now I'm in the hole like crazy and up to my eyelids in debt. Im trying to find a debt consolidation thing because I cant pay my bills because I'm so far behind on shit...UGH..word of advice to anyone who gets credit cards while your young...DON'T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Trust my ass on this one...TRUST ME TRUST ME TRUST ME!!!
And my last bitchy point of the evening. I wasnt supposed to work last Friday but since my schedule got fucked up the previous Saturday I figured I would go in and get my time made up. I get to work and our asshole DM is there talking to Joe. Come to find out, Sheila our old boss who quit wanted to come back but Tom said NO and we're getting this unholy bitch Alice from Eckerds down the road. She used to work for our company and hit a technician so she was fired. So I said I AM NOT WORKING FOR THAT BITCH WHO HITS TECHS!!!!!!!!!! and apparently Tom heard me and called me in the back and was yelling at me telling me how wrong I am to of done that and all this bullshit..I dont care, I tell that shit like it is. He siad I cant believe you would say something like that and you dont even know her and Im like well my friend used to work at Eckerds with her and she knows how she is and he was like did she hit your friend and I was like no she woulda wooped her ass. So he was like Do you think you had the right to say what you did and I looked him in the eye and was like I SAID IT DIDNT I? and he was like I am sooooo ticked off at you right now, you have til the end of the month to make up your mind and yadda yadda yadda. So I get written up for voicing an opinion AGAIN and I was very very very very pissed off. I went back to the pharmacy and was like If he ever gets in my face like that again his head will go through that wall and I left. Walked right out the door. Apparently he was talking about me and Amy overheard him saying I was saying threatening things about him and how hes not scared of me...SHIT I would woop his little skinny ass in a heart beat. ANYWAY I'm out of here for the night...Its been real yo..PEACE!