Dec 11, 2004 22:05
Wrote this the day before forgive the speratic writing it might not make too much sense...disregard...
Well today was a pretty awesome day. School went smooth, or at least as smooth as possible.
I am going to miss these good times I wish I could have gotten to know many of you all sooner.
I gave the first lesson of our bible study tonight. I liked it I wish more people could have gone but am kinda glad it was close people we got sheesey and teary (Fields and I). I hope it grows if anyone wants to come I'll be asking next week or let me know. Really want you guys to come.
Ian im not sure you read this but know my preayers are with you wished I could've gone thursday but i had promised fields. Any one readin this give him the word.
I'll be posting a X-mas list soon I don't expect much so don't worry.
Kind of mellow right now a little emotionally drained from the lesson, the evening, and some feeling im dealing with right now. Not sure who to turn to no one can realy help tomorrow it will be some me and God time. Ugggghhhhh!!!
I feel stratched like im being pulled, too much need john mayer starbucks and especially God. FRUSTRASHEEONN!
My ma is in el salvador today for a couple of weeks kinda weird nastalgia sets in.
Why is love such a fickle trechorous path that we walk. Thing are unclear not sure where to go mixed signals confused POOPY It must be one of those things one struggles wit and that makes the end that much sweeter.
A lesson on relationships not sure how much help i can be with my own problems. Immature childish not relationships cant find word... events... now its different, serious, go for it or let it run its course does she need a friend or a boyfriend, which helps better. A shoulder to dry on or a person to talk to.
Not sure why im typing this disregard any speraticness in my writing
Life is a game im at a stalemate.
And in that moment I found myself knowing
That in the end it's just about you and me
Nothing smaller or larger
Though dragons are good for the soul
Nothing can be better than baring yourself for another...
Open for scrutiny, ridicule, and indulgence
Therein lies the balls, and the mind, and the heart...
As fear is truly the Mindkiller...
When nothing is left...
Everything is gained...
You see I wish I was a poet
But I know as we go round and round
Though endings are never ever happy
It's the happy moments along the way
That in the end
Make it...ok...