(no subject)

Mar 18, 2002 15:28

Just watched Buffy and Charmed which I taped last night. I don't want to bother Joost with my programs... he he. It's good watching them when I'm all alone, not having to worry about Joost and that he doesn't like to watch those programs. I realised something... I used to like Charmed better than Buffy... but now I'm not so sure anymore. Buffy has a better storyline I think. Still love both of them. I'm glad Net 5 decided to put Buffy, Charmed and Angel all at one night!

Doctor said it's not pneumonia that I have, so that is good news. :) It's was a major flu virus and sometimes it takes longer to recover. Right now my lymph glands are all swollen up, but that seems to be a good sign. Just have to wait and see.

Still didn't work on my art project today. I tried to make a new base... but it royally sucked, so I quit it. Maybe I will try something else later. I'm so out of inspiration. Also very restless... like I want to do everything, but I just don't do a thing... not knowing what or where to start. :(

Going to check my Neo Stocks first.

tv, meh, sick, art

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