On Beltaine and Birmingham

May 04, 2008 19:33

Last night I went to a Beltaine fest in Molenhoek near Nijmegen. It was held at a Scottish Barn. My friend Sharine recently has joined a coven (but is unsure about it), so she asked Yvette and me if we would accompany her to the festivities. It was a fest with a masked & medieval theme. There was a campfire, benches around it and everywhere, with sheepcloth on it. The barn itself was lovely too, decorated, fairy lights everywhere. At the campfire there was a story-teller... and guess what was his first story about... the whole tale around Blodeuwedd. (A long time ago, I based an RPG character on her.)

On the opening ritual of the festivities... not sure what to think of it. It looked like a replay of the opening scene of the movie Mists of Avalon, including the music and the mist! Not kidding you. Yes, it seemed lovely, but at the same time I felt that most of the witches were extending a fairytale, based on MZB's Avalon books. The High Priestess had a moon tattooed on her forehead... and all the witches from the coven are called Ladies of Avalon. Hmmmmm...

Anyhow, it was interesting to experience that for at least once. Danced around fires, jumped through fires with Yvette and I did appreciate the energy that came free from that part of the night. We didn't stay until the end, but left right before midnight.

Tomorrow I'm flying to Birmingham for work. I'll return on Wednesday night. Very exciting, got a chauffeur and a hopefully nice room at the Holiday Inn. Please let there be a bath tub. My muscles ache, and since I only got a shower, a bath would be so welcome.

Thursday, my brother is getting married with his fiancee Marianne. They are also expecting a baby early September. Big changes.

Mum's in the hospital for 1,5 week now, because of a broken hip, but she'll go home tomorrow. Hopefully my dad can handle everything. He has heart problems and is waiting for bypass surgery (x4) as soon as possible. Hectic and worrisome times... but hopefully all will go well.

On Friday I hopefully can check out an apartment in Arnhem. Looking so forward to moving out of this place and get something completely for myself... no more sharing with housemates... although my current one (a guy WoW-er, ironically) is silent as a mouse and a good housemate in general. Still, hoping for an apartment of my own soon.

About World of Warcraft... I hardly play anymore. More like... once or twice a month. Apparently it is not difficult for me to let it go now. Also I stepped down from being the guild's second-in-command and mage class leader. I think this is all for the best.
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