So tired...

Mar 23, 2006 23:21

Oh yes, again. Tired. Very. I don't want to sleep yet, but I think I have to go soon anyway. Will see how long I can keep this up. Got a sick Ludwin to keep me company at the moment. He he.

I had an ISO audit today. The company is working according to ISO standards and every year they check how things are going. They interviewed me as "The New Employee". Hope it went well for the company.

This afternoon I went to the Waterlooplein and Albert Cuyp market for the first time in my life! Ha ha. (It's something typical Amsterdam, for those who don't know.) I wanted to get some fabrics to create bags. I got some very lovely stuff... beautiful colours and textures and also lovely ribbon and lace. If I happen to finish a bag tomorrow, I'll post a pic this weekend or something. Thinking of selling bags on my site too, if they don't suck.

Oh, some of you may know I've taught design and human-computer interaction at The Hague University (Haagse Hogeschool) and they sent me an email today, asking if I felt like accepting a freelance offer to teach design again. Except, I probably can't. They want me to tutor students too... but as things are looking now, I'm just too busy with everything else, even though I have a part time job. They probably want me to teach on days I'm working anyway. But it's a good feeling that they asked me again. :)

On another note, anyone happen to know what's up with the drama lately? Drama, everywhere. In my inbox... in friends' inboxes... everywhere except with Steph. Now what's up with that??? j/k Steph, love you, enjoy your time there. ;)

Cross-posted from the other blog. :p

In short: work is good. Life is okay. Some suck shit on the side, but I try to deal with it. Being positive. And cynical. How's that for an interesting combination? I'm still sane. :D

Hope you're all well. Sorry for being MIA. Just that LJ comes and goes in phases with me. Hope to catch up with you soon. :)
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