Am trying to be good...

Oct 16, 2005 11:43

... and at least update once every two weeks. Slowly getting back into LJ again. Have even read my friends list occasionally. Sorry if I missed any important entry of yours.

I'm doing pretty well. Trying to get my health insurance on track before I register at the Chamber of Commerce. Can't believe I'm actually going to do it. The joys of buying wholesale, that'll make it so much better. Am trying out new patterns and things and it works out nicely. Yay for Japanese books!

This song REALLY makes me want to tango. I miss dancing so much. Wish I had a partner that I felt really comfortable with. Previous season's partner, I don't know... he was friendly and such, but I don't think we really clicked. Strange situations which made me uncomfortable. He's married and everything, yet telling me that I should call him when I want to dance, or go out for a drink. Especially after some other small incidents. No, not interested in that. I want to dance and have fun.

About last night...
Watched Strictly Come Dancing with faerishimmer last night, just like last year... with her mum too. Always hilarious. Was such a fun night too. We (faerishimmer, xandorra and me) showed each other the most hideous pictures of ourselves. We better stay friends forever, because we have so much blackmail material now! Ha ha ha! Amy has the BEST pictures! And earlier last night, gi_velvet was on again! Yay. Missed Val so much. She's in the process of unpacking boxes now. It's so strange, there's 9 hours difference now. She's SO far away.

Oh, and a warning!
If you are Dutch and know who won Dancing With The Stars last night... PLEASE DO NOT TELL ME! I can't watch RTL4 so I have to watch the rerun on Wednesday on RTL7... DO NOT TELL ME WHO WON! Argh! I really really really want to watch that show Wednesday on the edge of the sofa. Hope you understand.

Party and unwanted intimacy
Luckily I was able to dance at my dad's and his friend's birthday party. There's a guy there who leads a country line dance group and he knows ballroom dancing too. If you've never danced, I can't explain to you how it feels to dance again, but it's fantastic. At least I had my fix that night. I feel like such an addict.

Oh, because I always drink water, every time I'm the obvious taxi driver for drunkies or near drunkies. Had to drive home a guy after the party, my mum was in the back seat and he was next to me in the front. My dad was driving the car in front of us, bringing the guy's dad home in their car. The son lives elsewhere further, so first bringing home the dad, then the son.

Holy crap! He nearly sat on the gearstick! He kept touching my arm and I was driving! Bugger off! I hardly dared change gear for fear of touching... things... whatever. Ugh! He kept saying he wanted to come to The Hague to spend hours on the beach with me. No thanks!!! My mum was in the backseat even! Okay, she was nearly asleep, but still! The nerve. Thank goodness we arrived at his dad's place and my dad felt like taking over the driver's seat because of the heavy fog and I don't really know my way around there, very country and very dark. No lanterns. Now that guy even started talking to my dad about it... he was sort of asking my dad's approval. My dad felt what was coming, so he replied in the idea of "do you even know how old she is?!" In other words... I can make my own decisions. Go dad!

My addiction to Alias and Lost
Yes... sad but true. I've never been much of a TV show girl... but Alias, that's my absolute most favourite TV show. And I love Lost too. Any of you watch Alias? Just fab that Val watches Alias too. Amy's got me addicted to it. Now it's waiting for Steph to get all the seasons so she can be a wannabe kickass spy too. Reminds me, I need to start collecting wigs. *nods*

And I miss Damon. We've known each other for 9 months now... it's seems so long, but at the same time it feels like I've known him forever. He's just moved to another apartment so he doesn't have internet connection yet. Work is very busy for him, plus he works at night too now, so we don't get much chances to talk. Hopefully we can meet around our 1 year anniversary.

Aaah, that's quite enough for now.
Have a lovely Sunday. ;)

parents, damon, loopy, tv, party, bca

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