
Oct 03, 2005 11:15

Am alive. Still. Haven't checked LJ in WEEKS. Am sooooo sorry. *huggles to flist* Just have severe LJ break I guess. Might just lose a few communities from my friends view and then it gets easier. Not sure. I hope you'll all fine. Sorry I haven't been here really. Blame it on Steph that I'm here now. >:)

Things are going fine. I'll have my own business officially very soon! There's much to do though. Need to design the webshop and work on my stock. Also, still doing Pixelhobby for some stable income. It's nice I have that. Who would've thought that my dollies and things would make some sort of stable income for me? It's good to have, and gives me a chance to work on my other thing too.

Guess that's all for now. Just quickie update.
Have a lovely day! xxx

ph, bca

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