Today's high is going to be 91 degrees. Dammit, that means I am going to have to shave.
My friend told me two days ago that she is getting married this Saturday. So, I have the wedding and the dinner before rushing off to my second event, my other friend's birthday party (at Kona Grill, YUMMY). I do love squishing my fun together in one bite-sized nugget. *is already tired*
01. I call myself: Awesome, Egomaniac, Loser Pie
02. I am this old: 36 (ugh)
03. I hate it when: I am not appreciated
04. I love it when: small good things happen throughout the day (big good things are also acceptable)
05. My favorite thing to drink is: oh my God, Big Red soda. I have been on a BR kick lately…
06. My favorite food is: bread!!!
07. I am this tall: 5’2”
08. I weigh this much: Hee!
09. My favorite shoes to wear are: flip flops
10. My favorite article of clothing is: I have this crazy-long knit scarf that I love but rarely get to wear
11. When I get up in the morning the first thing I do is: stumble to the bathroom and pretend to be frightened at my reflection
12. The last thing I do before I go to bed is: floss and check the interwebs
Shower Time:
01. I take baths or showers: Both
02. My favorite soap to use is: They are (and this pains me to say it) pretty much all the same to me
03. I use this shampoo: Various
04. I use this conditioner: Again, it varies (I’m fickle).
05. I use a comb or a brush: Both
06. I blow dry my hair or let it air dry: Blow dry on work days
07. I use this kind of shaving gel/cream: Wow, I have no idea…
08. My toothpaste is: Whatever my sister the dental hygienist gives me
09. My toothbrush is this color: teal and clear plastic
10. I like hot or cold showers: lukewarm, unless it’s cold out
11. What I think about in the shower: Dammit, I’m running late!
12. My favorite thing about the shower is: the part where I get clean
13. I listen to this kind of music when in the shower: When I take baths, I like to listen to classical music
14. I lock the bathroom door when in the shower: sometimes
Elementary School:
01. My mom drove me to school or I rode the bus: I was hardcore, I walked mostly. It really depended on where we were living at the time.
02. I went to kindergarten and my teacher’s name was: Am drawing a complete blank…
03. My favorite teacher was: I didn’t have one. I was terrified of school until I was a teenager.
04. My least favorite teacher was: The music teacher who would turn out the lights and play scary music when I was in the first grade. The other kids were laughing and I was having existential angst about the brevity of life and what would happen to my corpse when I died. Oh, yeah.
05. My first field trip was to: I want to say the zoo? We had some bitchin’ field trips in the Philippines - we went to the ballet, we toured some islands, and visited the Coca-Cola factory.
06. My favorite field trip was to: Had to be the ballet in Manila. We sat in the box seats, eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and watching Cinderella. Best. Memory. Ever.
07. What I remember most about elementary school is: I remember feeling very alone. And kind of liking it.
08. I attended this elementary school: Sunset Hills Elementary, Wurtsmith Elementary, Grissom Elementary.
High School:
01. My favorite subject in high school was: English and World History
02. My favorite teacher(s) was/were: Eh.
03. My least favorite teacher(s) was/were: My Calculus teacher - he was horrible and he sent me to detention!
04. We had this many class periods: 6
05. My favorite activity in high school: Don’t laugh, but I loved Dance Team. Not the girls, particularly, but I loved learning routines and practicing and moving to the music. And I had never had a dance class before that, so I was pretty proud of myself…
06: I was in the band and I played: No, I had no musical skills
07. I did marching band and was in squad number(s): I wasn't in the marching band
08. I was in this school play(s): Never!
09. I was in this crowd at school: I got along with the nerdy smart kids and the snotty Dance Team girls, but my circle was a hodgepodge of geeks, regular kids, and budding criminals.
10. I had detention this many times: Just once. But grrrr!
11. I drove to school: Senior year
12. I skipped class this many times: Once! I was such a good girl, LOL!
13. I was always late for class: Three times! That’s it!
14. Best friend in high school: Nay-nay
15. Name the guys/girls you dated: Chris, Steve, god I don’t remember his name let’s call him Asshole, Scott
16. Name the guys/girls you wanted to date: I was in love, love, love with Rick E. Smart, star football player, and absolutely gorgeous. Unfortunately, his girlfriend was gorgeous, too. I also had a thing for an uber-nerd named Ruben but since I was not the type to make the first move, nothing ever happened. I had mini-crushes on like 10 other guys. I was an emotional slut!
17. I went to prom with: Scott, my senior year boyfriend
18. I went to this many football games: All of them
19. My favorite trip was: We never really went anywhere. I guess I will say I loved all the Gifted and Talented field trips.
20. I was in the principal’s office this many times: Never
21. What I miss most about high school: I miss that sense of invincibility
22. What I don’t miss at all about high school: My very fluffy perm
23. I will/was remembered for: being very smart and very active in school clubs
24. I graduated in: 1991
25. I was _ out of _ in my class: 5th out of 500 or so. I know, right? I was actually Salutatorian until I started slacking off at the beginning of Senior year.
26. My GPA was: 4.0
27. I went to this high school: Holmes High School
01. I still write letters and mail them out: Christmas cards only
02. I spend this much time online a day: About 3 hours, give or take
04. My favorite place to travel to is: Japan was probably my favorite of all time.
05. My favorite phrase is: Is a pig’s ass pork?
06. My favorite quote is: To thine own self be true
07. I really want to go here someday: Nepal
08. I live in a(n) house, trailer, apartment, townhouse, condo: house
09. I’ve always wanted to own one of these: An oil rig (what, I want money!!!)
10. My most treasured item is: my computer
11. My goals in life are: hmmm…
12. My favorite sport to watch is: ice skating
13. The friend I couldn’t live without: at some point in time, all my friends have become indispensible to me. The fact that anyone puts up with me is the real shocker…
14. I collect this/these: Anime cels/sketches. Not much anymore, but every once in a while…
15. This is on my walls: Art prints, Happy Bunny poster, framed prints from Utena (Chiho Saito) and Lord of the Rings (Alan Lee)
16. The thing that drives me completely crazy is: being out of control