
May 05, 2002 01:39

*grin* I am trying my best to stay awake because tomorrow night I go back to work. But there's something wrong with my eyelids. They keep closing! Dammit! Surfing the web and trying to see exactly how close I can come to ordering stuff online without actually doing it...sigh.

Does anyone else suffer from I'm-not-sure-I-really-want-it-but-it's-on-SALE-itis? There is a really cute cel with a GREAT BG and it's so cheap, but I'm not sure I really want the cel. I don't collect from the series and this is how I get myself into trouble and I am just going to shut up. Right now. Sigh. Let's talk about something else. ^_^;;;

Ah...the Kid and I were just talking about the belated DVD releases of such classic movies as 'Captain Ron' and 'Say Anything' (well, that one took FOREVER IMHO). So, I decided to make a list of Movies That Don't Stand a Snowball's Chance in Hell of Making It to DVD. Very depressing, if you really think about it...some of them are classics!

1. Where the Boys Are (original) - okay, it's cheesy and George Hamilton (sans orange glow) is the love interest, but it's a movie about Spring Break in the 60's. And it alludes to sex! And it stars Jim Hutton who is waaay sexy. For a dead guy. Okay, that was harsh...but you know what I mean.

2. Back to the Beach - Frankie and Annette return to the beach and all sorts of wacky highjinks ensue, ala 'Beach Blanket Bingo.' But much cornier and saggier. Is that a word? I love the movie because their son is a royal smartass and gets to say lines like, "Do you even know what conjugate means, Dad?" and "It's like a conversation at the Kissingers." Heh.

3. Nutcracker Fantasy - creepy childhood puppet animation that I just loved. What can I say - I was a strange child. Don't show this to the young'uns - it will probably give them nightmares, mainly due to the really awful 70's soundtrack (they lose points for playing 'Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy' on a synthesizer).

4. Courage Mountain - Charlie Sheen as a grown up Peter in this sequel to the Heidi stories. Yeeech. But at least he's not smirking. Well, not much. Terrifically bad, but some nice snowy scenery.

5. Night Train to Khatmandu - Whoo boy. What can I say about this one? If they put this on DVD, I think *I* would smack someone. It is singularly bad but the shots of Nepal are GORGEOUS and I absolutely hate Milla Jovovich for getting to make trips like that when she was a kid and getting to be in a movie when she couldn't even act or anything. Bitter, bitter...but I like the romantic storyline.

6. Sherlock Holmes' Smarter Brother - a true travesty that this movie is not heralded like other great movies of this genre, such as 'Young Frankenstein' or 'Blazing Saddles.' Awesome, very quotable movie with Madeleine Kahn and Gene Wilder. A favorite of my family, so much so that a couple of years ago I hunted down a copy of this movie and paid a ridiculous price for it. The smile on Davy-boy's face was sooo worth it, though.

7. Brain Donors - another great cheesfest. If you like the Marx Brothers or the quirky genius of John Turturro, this one comes highly recommended. It is a shameless ripoff of 'Night at the Opera.' But it's funny as Hell.

Wow...I think I am just entertaining myself now, so I'm out of here. Happy, happy...

bad movies i love

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