Loathe to start the day...er, afternoon

May 04, 2002 13:28

Well, I don't want to start cleaning my bathroom because it's quite scary so I thought I'd post a little entry in my journal instead. *snerk*

More gratefulness...lately I've been getting lots of really nice emails from some of my online buddies. Aw! *snuggies* It's nice to have such good friends, both in real life and cyber life. Sniffle. Maudlin Mel.

Last night I went to San's - she was having people over to watch the Spurs play game #5 in the playoffs against the Sonics. They won. Yea, Spurs! ^_^ I'm not a sports nut, but my father was a jock, a coach, and avid sports fan ergo I can appreciate a good match as much as the next person AND know what the Hell is going on. *snicker* I like watching stuff like that in a group. Also, I have a secret crush on Danny Ferry. Don't tell anyone, though. My crush on Steve Kerr resulted in lots of teasing about "that little old guy." Feh.

San is going to bartending school. Oh yeah, that's what these two old lushes need: an excuse to hang out around MORE alcohol. I am turning into my mother who hangs out and has a few cold ones with my aunt every night. Not that I think it's a bad thing...it's just that I come from hard-drinking stock and there's no escaping it. Yeah, that's the only reason I drink. LOL. Is it true, though? I wonder if my genes crave alcohol. *shrug* I think there are a lot of alcoholics in my extended family.

But I am happy for San - she has never wanted to do anything particular with her life and her career has been a series of retail and waitressing jobs. I tried to get her a job where I work and she left after a couple of days. Something about soul-sucking and just sucking in general. Oh, well.

Okay, okay. Dammit! I'll go clean the damn bathroom! Jeezus. ^_~ Laters...where are my rubber gloves?!

Big snugs Diana...hope you are feeling better!
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