You just go in there every day and do it really half-assed. That's the American way.
Seems that I am employed! At least very close to it. I'll go into the details of the job when I see you next and when I have been there enough to be able to answer the question. But basically it's an inbound call center deal with a bit of selling. I plan to get my drivers licence then become a rep for Nintendo or someone equally as cool.
So tomorrow I start 3 days of temp work which should get me a bit of Cash which I will spend most of on new work clothes I think and the rest spread equally between JB hi fi and wherever we are going out saturday week.
I watched the Oscars last night, I don't know why. Award ceremonies bring out the worst in me, I get super jaded and cynical and my mum yells at me for pooping on everything. At least the 36 Mafia were funny and are probably going to be the subject of many a joke. I have decided that seing as we are from Sydney we are now the 02 Mafia. I have also decided we should all start calling our cars our "wips".
See my sisters band Caxton play this Thursday for FREE!!!!
Thursday 9th March, 2006
@ The Retreat Hotel - 280 Sydney Rd, Brunswick
The Triangles + The Mime Set... doors are at 8pm we think, with Caxton kicking things off at 8:30pm. Entry is free.