
Feb 07, 2009 17:38

The Webster dictionary defines socialism as: noun
a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

The Republican Party defines socialism as what a Democratic president tries to spend American Taxpayer money on the things it doesn't approve. Yet is Obama's package such a departure from the one Bush tried to stimulate the economy? Suddenly lending money to financial institutions is a bad idea to Republicans.

Now the idea is, inexplicably, wrong, wrong, wrong. To be fair there were law makers on both sides of the aisle who voiced problems with the bail out under Bush. But none of talking heads of the party were complaining very loudly. Now we have them decrying how this will be the fall of the empire.

Republicans only think in terms of Empire and that is part of the problem.

We are also told that most historians think the New Deal was all bad. It was war after all, the darling of the Republicans and Christian right, that brought an end to the Great Depression. When in deed it's not most or even some historians that think that. It's a few, just as a few scientists still think the world is 6,000 years old and dinosaurs are dragons.

To admit the New Deal worked is to admit that spending money to allow average people to prosper is better than spending the same amount to keep Wall Street executives in a lifestyle they have grown accustomed. To a Republican that is heresy.

So they cry and moan about big government. Funny how the last Republican administration increased government oppression in a way not seen in this nations history. He turned the government by degrees into Big Brother. All of this is fine to the war mongering, profiteering G.O.P.

But, again, to do something for the masses, THAT is a big government intrusion. Not having our phones wiretapped without probable cause.

Funny thing this new definition of Socialism.

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