Sunday, 27th November 2005
- 11:00 AM (Pitch),
Nicer Than a Banshee: Sean and Adelaide. (4)
- 3:40 PM (Corridors),
Considering Dex and the Weather: Colton and Dex. (4)
Monday, 28th November 2005
Tuesday, 29th November 2005
- 4:45 PM (History of Magic classroom),
Heeeelp: Sean and Atticus. (5)
- 7:49 PM (Hufflepuff common room),
Chats and Brooms: Sean and Sascha. (11)
Wednesday, 30th November 2005
Happy Birthday to Keiichi Saitou, Healer Trainee!
- 10:15 AM (Kitchens),
Birthday prep: Sean and Jackie. (11)
- 12:03 PM (Courtyard),
Happy Keiichi Day!: Sean, Keiichi, et al. (2)
- 5:00 PM (Pitch), Quidditch Practise: Sean and Puff Quidditch Team.
- 5:50 PM (Great Hall),
Girls Fall at His Feet, I Tell You: Sean and Lauren. (8)
Thursday, 1st December 2005
- 7:03 AM (Great Hall),
Hi Honey Hahaha: Sean and Rylie. (10)
- 10:00 AM (Library),
Probably Not Being Left Alone: Jory and Daphne. (5)
- 12:12 PM (Corridors),
A Chocolate Frog Adventure: Sean and Jeannie. (6)
- 12:57 PM (Grounds),
Weird Stuff with Saffron: Jory and Saffron. (5)
- 3:02 PM (Owlery),
Owl Training: Jory and Jackie. (8)
- 7:30 PM (Corridors outside Great Hall),
Bwahahaha: Colton and Hargreaves. (5)
Friday, 2nd December 2005
Happy Birthday to Kiley Barton, 7th Year Ravenclaw!
- 5:00 PM (Pitch),
Quidditch Mania: Jory, Avis, Lexi, Adelaide, et al. (2)
- 6:00 PM (Pitch), Quidditch: Hufflepuff vs Gryffindor
- 7ish PM (Quidditch Lockers),
Chasers and Cheerer Uppers: Sean and Addy. (1)
Saturday, 3rd December 2005
- 2:47 AM (... cupboard),
Yes, But WHY Are They in a Cupboard?: Jory and Julian. (3)
- 8:30 AM (Grounds),
SNOWBALL FIGHT FOR GREAT JUSTICE!: Sean, Grady, Tatiana, Jeannie. (3)
Care of Magical Creatures: Sean. (1)
Muggle Studies: Sean. (2)
- [Plot]
Hurr book club hurr: Jory and Liesl. (4)
Posts: 100
Hit me up for a thread with
sean_brightwell, or
coltonvane. Sweet.