Care of Magical Creatures: Week 013

Aug 14, 2006 14:53

Week Name: 'The Season Begins'
Location: Magical Creatures Pens
Open to: Students of CoMC
Currently Involving: Professor Kilpatrick

Kilpatrick arrived early to each of her classes this week in order to prop a large board against the fence of one of the creature pens. As soon as the board was properly situated, she used her wand to scrawl the day’s assignment for her class on it in a slow and neat hand.

That finished, she hopped over the fence into the pen behind the board to go about the business of feeding and caring for the various beasts under her charge. The school’s collection of animals had grown over the years and they were ever needing attention, but Kilpatrick didn’t mind. She quite enjoyed the work and the company of the animals.

Her students knew well enough what was expected of them by now, so she didn’t worry too much about hovering over their every move, though she never strayed too far away, should any questions or troublesome behaviours arise. Though she kept busy with her animals, her years of teaching had given her a sixth sense about when students were getting out of hand on her watch. If they put a toe too far out of line, they could be assured she’d be there in an instant to set them straight.

((OOC: If your student is not on the roster, just join the thread and let me know so I can add them in! Kilpatrick is not part of posting order (though she may pop in unexpectedly to check on assignments or stop troublemakers), but try to stick to some sort of posting order among yourselves, if possible. You may divide into Gryff/Slyth or Puff/Claw threads or not at your discretion, as the spread of students is a bit odd.))

Year One
[Fri, 1pm - RH] none
[Fri, 3pm - SG] none

Year Two
[Fri, 8am - RH] none
[UNKNOWN! - SG] Camdyn Baker

Year Three
[Tues, 8am - SG] Ophelia Ballard, Annabelle Nichols
[Tues 10am - RH] Mason Gibbs, Kieran Donovan

Year Four
[Tues, 3pm - SG] Gwyn Llewellyn, Mimi Olack
[Thurs, 8am - RH] Sascha Kuen, Kate Brown

Year Five
[Thurs, 10am - SG] Charlie Davis, Phillip Davenport, Avis Abernathy, Charlotte Stone
[Thurs, 1pm - RH] Brenden Elliot, Ainsleigh Barr, Phoebe Dewitt

Year Six
[Mon, 10am - SG] Arisu Ryusaki, Bran Rhys, Isabel Porter, Ranger Stalai
[Wed, 8am - RH] Cyrus Weller, Julian O'Brien, Adelaide Adams

Year Seven
[Mon, 1pm - RH] Akira Hara, Cassidy Fisher, Sean Brightwell
[Mon, 3pm - SG] Trefor Llewellyn, Preston Victore, Autolycus Sly, Isaac Williamsworth, Astrid Mancusi

classroom-threads, week-013

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