Week 009: Threads

Jun 18, 2006 10:12

Sunday, 30th October 2005
- 9:40 AM (Staircases), Beware of Falling Books? with Cassidy.
- 8:15 PM (Gryffindor Common Room), Lexi's Birthday Party with many a person.

Monday, 31st October 2005 [Halloween!]
- 5:00 PM (Grounds), Halloween Fun with Professor Sullivan.

Tuesday, 1st November 2005
- 1:00 PM (Quidditch Pitch), Psh, Favorite Place Ever with Jackie.

Wednesday, 2nd November 2005
- 3:20 PM (Courtyard), Shoelaces and Journals with Rylie.

Thursday, 3rd November 2005
- 8:35 PM (Ravenclaw common room), What It's Saffron's Birthday What!! with Saffron.
- 10:45 PM (Ravenclaw Boys' Dorm), Discussion Before Bed with Gabriel.

Friday, 4th November 2005

Saturday, 5th November 2005 [Jory's Birthday what!]
- 12:30 PM (Outside Ravenclaw Entrance), Yay, Presents! with Avis. [closed]
- 12:45 PM (Ravenclaw Common Room), Birthday Fun STILL with Gabriel and Saffron.
- 7:15 PM (Ravenclaw Common Room), Cake on Your Birthday, That's Just Brilliant with Adelaide.
- 10:38 PM (Ravenclaw Boys' Dorm), Oh, More Presents with Saffron.

Comment for threading purposes and the like. Off the top of my head, I know he ought to thread with:
Liesl ('cause we didn't, and we should've)
Saffron (preferably on her birthday, as I think he has a gift for her XD)
Kendra (because we forgot... again?)

And others, that I'm forgetting. So feel free to remind me.


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