"A black president!?" "Hey, it worked on 24!"

Nov 10, 2008 22:51

Hey, an update!

Well, what have I been up to since the last time I posted? Not counting the below post, which I actually started at the end of the Summer (I think) and just forgot about until now. Thanks LJ for saving that!

Well, let's see. I did my improv class which went really well. Everyone said I was really funny and my teacher said I did great (at giving him a rim job). At the end of September I actually signed up for a comedy sketch writing class at the UCB, which starts next Monday. I am extremely excited for that. Actually, this weekend I was hanging out with Andrew and he asked me if he knew any one who needed any editing done, just so he could practice and doesn't get rusty until he finds a job, and then I had an idea. I told him about my sketch writing class and I said, if I produce anything good then we can film it. So that could be fun. We shall see!

The rest of my Summer and early Fall were jam packed with getting to know and hanging out with Maria, oh and I went to Seattle for 10 days. Maria is the most amazing person ever. Even though she's kinda religious. I have forgiven her for that. I think. Anyways, at the end of September Maria up and left me/us for the Peace Corp for 2 years... actually 27 months, yeesh. She is in Ghana, Africa. I miss her a lot. A LOT. However, she inspired me. 2 weeks ago I submitted my Peace Corps application (it took me like 2-3 months to complete... those damn essays), so in a few months I will be doing that. I don't know where I am going yet and I don't really know where I want to go. We'll see. I know what you're thinking... "What!? the Peace Corps!" This isn't actually THAT out of the blue... last Summer, before I got my job, Sean mentioned something about the Peace Corps and I started to look into. Then I got a job and really needed the health insurance and wanted to do something with my degree, not be a bum, you know the story (lol@ozma). Long story short... 9 or so months later I feel very unfulfilled with my job and where my life is heading and then I meet Maria who had joined the Peace Corps. I am inspired. 3 months later I join the Peace Corp. Well, I'm not technically in yet, but I submitted my app, and I should be contacted any day now and then in a week or 2 (or so) I will have an interview and then a few months of god knows what. I'll keep everyone updated. Ta ta!
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