This is frightening, especially ...
The era of Western predominance was drawing to a close, he said, and would soon be replaced by a "bright future" ushered in by the 12th Imam's return. "Without any doubt, the Promised One, who is the ultimate Saviour, will come. The pleasing aroma of justice will permeate the whole world."
... which is the sort of thing one would expect the mad cultist leader to say in some tale of intrigue set in the world of the Cthulhu Mythos. Ahmadinejad apparently considers any large-scale death of Shi'ite Muslims to hasten his hoped-for Apocalypse, as in this:
...after 108 people were killed in an aircraft crash in Teheran. Mr Ahmadinejad praised the victims, saying: "What is important is that they have shown the way to martyrdom which we must follow."
These were people killed in an aircraft crash, mind you. How much more "martyrs" would be Iranians killed by an infidel enemy?
The reason this is scary is that, if true, it means that Ahmadinejad cannot be deterred, for the good reason that he will WELCOME harm from America. Such provocative acts as his basing guerillas, sending bombs into Iraq, and attacking British sailors on the high seas, take on a different light if one assumes that he is trying to PROVOKE an apocalyptic showdown with the West, that he wants to see Iranian cities go up in nuclear fire.
And he is close to acquiring the means to ensure that we will oblige him.
Only yesterday, the opposition group that first revealed the existence of Iran's uranium enrichment facility at Natanz claimed that Iran was building a new bomb-proof underground site for developing nuclear weapons.
The National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) said the regime was near to completing a vast underground chamber that was linked by two tunnels to the existing complex at Natanz, and was protected against aerial attack.
As with so many of the allegations relating to Iran's nuclear activities, the NCRI's claims are impossible to verify, not least because Iran continues to impede UN nuclear inspectors.
This looks very much as if Iran is preparing for, not merely a nuclear "exchange" (as in MAD, though it would really be UAD because they could not produce or deliver enough bombs to destroy us, while we could obliterate them as a nation), but nuclear warfighting. On this theory, Ahmadinejad would launch a nuclear attack against America, somewhere, and live long enough on Earth to see America respond with atomic weapons against Iran, which would cause the number of martyrs to reach the point where Allah and his angels would intervene in the conflict.
Looking at my last phrases, I feel as if I am living in some sort of nightmare urban fantasy. But that is how Ahmadinejad perceives REALITY. And that is the perception of reality he is acting upon.
We either take out the Iranian regime in the next couple of years, or we are goig to have to fight an atomic war. A small one, and one we would win, but nonetheless an atomic war.
If we pull out of the Mideast, the world will indeed change -- but not the way in which the peaceniks are expecting.
PS - I now fully expect Useful Idiots to tell me about Bush's apocalyptic theories and how they are no better than Ahmadinejad's. There is one big difference, though ...
... Bush has sat on the world's biggest nuclear arsenal, in wartime, and not used a SINGLE nuclear weapon.
Do you really imagine Ahmadinejad to do the same when he has The Bomb?