Supreme Court Decisions

Jun 26, 2015 21:55

I am glad that the Supreme Court sustained the legality of same-sex marriage across the country.  It is my profound belief, based on the logic that marriage is a mutual choice between any two people who decide to unite their lives in love, that marriage should not be only allowed between persons of opposite sexes.  Marriage is not purely for the ( Read more... )

constitution, law

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benschachar_77 June 27 2015, 15:53:49 UTC
"Marriage is not purely for the purpose of sexual reproduction: if that were the case, then what of marriages between people of which at least one is infertile?"

Yes actually it is. The difference is that the infertility is a malfunction while homosexuality was never meant to be in any conceivable.

The government has an interest in love, that's borderline nonsensical.

"I like the idea of same-sex marriages. Why should same-sex couples be denied the honorable resolution of their courtship in marriage?"

Because it's unnatural, maybe. Because marriage is also religious to some. Because half of them are actually trying to undermine it by writing exclusivity out of their vows.


jordan179 June 27 2015, 16:32:37 UTC
You're ignoring the obvous companionate, economic, political and romantic purposes of marriage. "A purpose of marriage is sexual reproduction" (true) does not logically imply "the ONLY PURPOSE of marriage is sexual reproduction," which is what you are trying to argue.


benschachar_77 June 27 2015, 16:56:38 UTC
Yeah but we had civil unions for that sort of thing.

I also take issue with the for love argument because if love is all that matters why stop at homosexuals? Why not allow polygamy, incest, and bestiality. If gratification is only what is important then you open the floodgates for a whole host of weirdness.


jordan179 June 27 2015, 16:59:54 UTC
Assuming informed adult consent on all sides, why do polygamy, incest and inter-species unions bother you so deeply? What harm would they do to those not involved in them?


chocolate_frapp June 27 2015, 22:40:34 UTC
even if infertility is a malfunction, that doesn't take into account, for example, a straight couple who wants to get married but doesn't want kids. Would the same people who are against gay marriage want to deny that couple the right to get married?


jordan179 June 28 2015, 02:18:45 UTC
Exactly. Child-bearing and child-raising are among the purposes of marriage, but they are not its sole raisons d'etre.


mosinging1986 July 19 2015, 21:23:11 UTC
The point is not that all M/F couples have children or should have them. The point is not that those M/F couples who do not produce children (by choice or by circumstance) are somehow "less" than those couples that do.

The point is that as a rule, as a group, and by nature, M/F relationships DO produce the next generation. This is of obvious importance to any society. (See Europe's low birth rates!)

And since by all measures, children thrive best in a home with a married mother and father, and because until recently we instinctively understood that men and women are NOT the same and interchangeable, and brought different qualities to parenting, this is why the government got involved in incentivizing these relationships.

All that's out the window now. And we will see the destruction of society along with it. Oh, not tomorrow or next week. But we will.

And people STILL cheer it on.


little_e_ June 28 2015, 09:51:42 UTC
From an evolutionary perspective, humans evolved "marriage" to support reproduction by publicly formalizing the pair bond and thus ensure that everyone knows and accepts who the resulting childen's parents are. From a social POV, marriage exists to unite two families, principally for the purpose of continuing the families via children; this is why eloping is looked somewhat askance upon, because it is a marriage conducted without the approval of the family.

We let gay people, old people, and non-fertile people get married because we accept them, socially, as having the same pair-bond and thus becoming part of the family as anyone else. The evolutionary urge to bond is present even in people who don't actually want children, so we make nice and let them in our families anyway.

The non-monogamy aspect, though, is a different beast. Anyone who does get married ought, IMO, to hold to the same standards as all the other married people, and monogamy is generally a requirement for marriage.


Unnatural silent_o August 21 2015, 21:14:46 UTC
-snerk ( ... )


Re: Unnatural benschachar_77 August 22 2015, 00:52:49 UTC
LOL ( ... )


Re: Unnatural silent_o August 22 2015, 03:33:24 UTC
If this were a choice I'd take the easier one ( ... )


Re: Unnatural benschachar_77 August 22 2015, 15:32:39 UTC
"Try 10% on the LGBT spectrum. Easily backed up by decades of research ( ... )


Re: Unnatural silent_o August 22 2015, 19:48:46 UTC
Cure me?

Better wear Kevlar.

We willfully select against our own long term survival?

Yes. Tell me more about how gay babies come from gay parents.

Oh yes. I do despise your barbaric, plagiarizing, bronze age shepherd religion. Put on all the pretty trappings you want. You're just as delusional and immalleable as militant Islam. Just as much a social adaptation that has outlived it's usefulness as a survival trait and now exists as a vestigial organ.

You started the personal attacks by saying my existence is unnatural.

Fuck you buddy. Fuck you very much.


Re: Unnatural benschachar_77 August 22 2015, 21:02:08 UTC
"Cure me?

Better wear Kevlar."

See that is what I'm talking about there is clearly something misfiring in your brain but your response to the possibility it could even be fixed is this bizarre hostility. Reminds me of the time a person I know was sent a death threat for saying that people who can't walk should be cured.

So uptight.

"You started the personal attacks by saying my existence is unnatural."

How strange that you literally think of yourself as an aberrant sexuality rather than, say, a person who practices something aberrant. There is something pitiable about the fact that you think of yourself solely as the desires of your genitalia

"We willfully select against our own long term survival?"

It amazes me how so few who believe in evolution understand its implications. At this point there are more people with down syndrome (even though they tend to be aborted when displaying signs) than there are homosexuals. The reasons for this should be readily apparent.


Re: Unnatural silent_o August 23 2015, 01:31:51 UTC
Maybe there should be research for a cure to religious thought. It could be screened for in utero and aborted ( ... )


Re: Unnatural benschachar_77 August 23 2015, 03:50:15 UTC
"If forcing people to accept medical "treatment" is your idea of a just society you must take after Josef Mengele ( ... )


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