Supreme Court Decisions

Jun 26, 2015 21:55

I am glad that the Supreme Court sustained the legality of same-sex marriage across the country.  It is my profound belief, based on the logic that marriage is a mutual choice between any two people who decide to unite their lives in love, that marriage should not be only allowed between persons of opposite sexes.  Marriage is not purely for the ( Read more... )

constitution, law

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Re: Unnatural benschachar_77 August 22 2015, 00:52:49 UTC
Sizable demographic!
That's Hilarious! 1.6 percent of the population (many of whom aren't interested in marriage and nearly half certainly aren't interested in exclusivity)

"This "religion" you speak of is a constantly evolving phenomenon comprising all of human history and culture. I somehow doubt you would agree with 100% of Church doctrine from even 100 years ago, let alone 1000."

Considering how new the concept of homosexuality as lifestyle is I wouldn't be throwing stones.

"Oh yes. Homosexual behavior *never* occurs in nature."

All the idiots who bring up that point fail to mention that in nature it's occurrence is dominance/rape.

They also tend fallaciously conflate homosexual acts with homosexual lifestyle. Not unlike what you're doing.

More to the point they confuse "it randomly happens by itself" with "an intrinsic trait".

"If they have a problem with what they are being asked to do maybe they should seek employment in the private sector."
This is actually the problem, had you paid any bloody attention you'd know that PRIVATE businesses are being hounded by the government.
So much for the tripe about "this won't affect anybody, eh".


Re: Unnatural silent_o August 22 2015, 03:33:24 UTC
If this were a choice I'd take the easier one...

Yeah. A lot of flaming queens need to shut the fuck up and quit being bitches.

I don't want this "special treatment' your type keeps whinging about. I want the same damn treatment.

Try 10% on the LGBT spectrum. Easily backed up by decades of research.

Human homosexuality has been documented as long as civilization has kept records. Including as a lifestyle in some cultures (berdache etc)

your judeochristian memepool is shrinking. I'd rather die than be forced to follow your faith. Religious freedom? Yeah. As long as you're a Christian. Same viewpoint as the muslims, if not as violent about it.

The sooner you all stop being assholes the sooner we'll stop being vindictive and angry. quid pro quo.

The angry religious crowd is the reason conservative politics is losing out to these never to be sufficiently damned socialists.

By all means keep raging. it amuses me and doesn't solve the problem of your decreasing relevance.

I'm sure you're probably pissed about women passing ranger school too. Tough. Technology can compensate for sexual dimorphism. The world is changing faster and faster each day. Get with the program or go join a luddite commune.


Re: Unnatural benschachar_77 August 22 2015, 15:32:39 UTC
"Try 10% on the LGBT spectrum. Easily backed up by decades of research."

If by decades of research you mean the Kinsey Report or whatever.
Here's the real statistics by the CDC:

"The National Health Interview Survey, which is the government’s premier tool for annually assessing Americans’ health and behaviors, found that 1.6 percent of adults self-identify as gay or lesbian, and 0.7 percent consider themselves bisexual."

"The sooner you all stop being assholes the sooner we'll stop being vindictive and angry. quid pro quo."

Now, I'm just confused because there are Christian organizations that do endorse SSM. So I'm wondering what's actually true: are you vindictive or just want to live and let live. Your words say the latter your tone says the former.

"The angry religious crowd is the reason conservative politics is losing out to these never to be sufficiently damned socialists."

Nah. Libertarians wouldn't be doing so poorly if religion was just the issue. The reason for the rise of socialists is simple, a damnable media that refuses to criticize, low info voters who hear words like compassion and wealth inequality and jump on the bandwagon, the ever growing reliance on the government, and the general Marxist bent of the educational system.

"Human homosexuality has been documented as long as civilization has kept records. Including as a lifestyle in some cultures (berdache etc)"

That doesn't actually change the fact that our current definition of homosexuality is fundamentally different from how most ancient cultures would define it. It is also interesting to note that homosexual rampancy tends to be aligned with misogyny a la the Greeks and Romans.

"I'm sure you're probably pissed about women passing ranger school too. Tough. Technology can compensate for sexual dimorphism. The world is changing faster and faster each day. Get with the program or go join a luddite commune."

Ad Hominem much. I disagree with you so now I'm a misogynist or something. Near as I can tell you still need gametes from both sexes to make a baby and a woman to carry it to term so how has technology really compensated for dimorphism? More importantly how do you know they won't cure homosexuality in the future rather than just endorse it. They can already cure it in fruit flies:

"By all means keep raging. it amuses me and doesn't solve the problem of your decreasing relevance."

Pot: Hey, Kettle, you're black!"
Seriously I can practically feel the spittle foaming from your mouth.
There is also a certain degree of irony about a member of a group that willfully selects against its own long term survival talking about future relevance.


Re: Unnatural silent_o August 22 2015, 19:48:46 UTC
Cure me?

Better wear Kevlar.

We willfully select against our own long term survival?

Yes. Tell me more about how gay babies come from gay parents.

Oh yes. I do despise your barbaric, plagiarizing, bronze age shepherd religion. Put on all the pretty trappings you want. You're just as delusional and immalleable as militant Islam. Just as much a social adaptation that has outlived it's usefulness as a survival trait and now exists as a vestigial organ.

You started the personal attacks by saying my existence is unnatural.

Fuck you buddy. Fuck you very much.


Re: Unnatural benschachar_77 August 22 2015, 21:02:08 UTC
"Cure me?

Better wear Kevlar."

See that is what I'm talking about there is clearly something misfiring in your brain but your response to the possibility it could even be fixed is this bizarre hostility. Reminds me of the time a person I know was sent a death threat for saying that people who can't walk should be cured.

So uptight.

"You started the personal attacks by saying my existence is unnatural."

How strange that you literally think of yourself as an aberrant sexuality rather than, say, a person who practices something aberrant. There is something pitiable about the fact that you think of yourself solely as the desires of your genitalia

"We willfully select against our own long term survival?"

It amazes me how so few who believe in evolution understand its implications. At this point there are more people with down syndrome (even though they tend to be aborted when displaying signs) than there are homosexuals. The reasons for this should be readily apparent.


Re: Unnatural silent_o August 23 2015, 01:31:51 UTC
Maybe there should be research for a cure to religious thought. It could be screened for in utero and aborted.

Odd how you seem to think homosexuality is an illness when the mental health field doesn't and hasn't for a long time.

It's folks like YOU deciding we have a mental illness. Not the other way around.

Imagine growing up constantly worrying that your peers are about to inflict grievous bodily harm upon you if they find out you are "different". Is it any wonder we're defensive to the point of hostility?

If forcing people to accept medical "treatment" is your idea of a just society you must take after Josef Mengele.

My genitalia are incapable of desire. That would be my brain.
Technology is in the process of rendering the "natural order" obsolete. Our evolution is now in our hands. Old survival adaptations rendered meaningless. A new definition of humanity.

I normally don't involve myself with the affairs of benthic detritovores. Thanks for playing along with the fight I deliberately picked. You've been a wonderful stress relief. Got a lot of mad out.


Re: Unnatural benschachar_77 August 23 2015, 03:50:15 UTC
"If forcing people to accept medical "treatment" is your idea of a just society you must take after Josef Mengele."

Again with this what is with the casual projection of violence onto other people. I just said if they can cure fruit flies of the condition they could probably do the same with homosexuals- you're the one constantly positing that society can solve any problem so why the offense?

"Maybe there should be research for a cure to religious thought. It could be screened for in utero and aborted."

Definitely projecting.

Funny, assuming you were pro-choice and they did find a way to screen for homosexuality how would you feel if suddenly all the homosexual babies were being aborted?

"I normally don't involve myself with the affairs of benthic detritovores."

I don't normally associate with bacteria, you've certainly provided a lot of insight into that for me.

"Got a lot of mad out."
A shame you didn't get a lot of the "sanctimonious atheist retard with daddy issues projecting on religious people out".

So what, you're just a troll. Shame Jordan has such tolerance for bottom feeders but I guess you're still vaguely sane compared to that other guy at least.

Good luck with your myriad mental disorders.

"Imagine growing up constantly worrying that your peers are about to inflict grievous bodily harm upon you if they find out you are "different". Is it any wonder we're defensive to the point of hostility?"

Rational people don't typically bring their petty hangups into discussions with complete strangers.

Goodbye and please get a life.


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