Veterans Administration Bureaucrats Murder Veterans for $$$ -- Does Anybody Care?

May 21, 2014 07:09

So, bureaucrats in the Veterans' Administration deliberately delayed medical treatments for veterans in order to get bonuses for themselves.  This has, predictably, resulted in deaths.  Dozens of them, which implies that hundreds to thousands more veterans were subjected to severe and needless suffering.

This is at the very least depraved indifference and negligent homicide.  In fact, it's close to the definitions of both as I was taught them in college.  It could also be construed as first degree murder for profit.  It should be prosecuted as such, because engaging in such crimes is not part of any Constitutional job description for a Federal official, and hence the shield of agency should not apply.

Will it be prosecuted as such?  Almost certainly not -- since World War II there has been a de facto immunity from prosecution for such crimes when committed as part of a large organization, and this immunity has been spreading from the jobs in which one might expect it (defense and intelligence in line of duty) to pretty much every conceivable government position.

And the media is not inclined to hold Obama's feet to the fire on this (evil military types versus noble blackish liberal President).  He will probably be allowed to get away with his claim that he only found out about this on the news, like everyone else -- despite the fact that there are memos showing that he was warned about this years ago.

I've almost given up on Americans caring any more about this, compared to the degree that they care about their fantasy that electing a half East African as President somehow makes up for having participated in the kidnapping, murder, assault, rape and forced labor for centuries of millions of West Africans.  Because, you know, East and West Africans are as identical as are the French and the Bulgarians, dontcha know, and it's only justice to those long-dead slaves that we should have an entirely different person  from an entirely different part of the continent who kinda sorta looks like them if you squint sideways and have very poor vision to begin with as President, right?

criminal, barack hussein obama, political

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