SFWA Destroys Significance of Own Nebula Awards

May 20, 2014 11:33

So, the Nebula Awards, which are given by the SFWA (Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America) were all won by women, in a blatant display of deliberate sexism which was celebrated as such.  In other words, an award that is supposed to be for the best writing of the year was instead awarded only to the best writing by women for the year.

I discussed in detail why selection on such such an irrationally-prejudiced criterion only dilutes the quality of the stories concerned, even assuming that quality of story is independent of the criterion on which one displays the irrational prejudice, in "Why I Am NOT into Group Identity Based Anthologies."

I posted the following to their own congratulatory thread, visible here (at least until one of the moderators on their blog buys a sense of sarcasm).

Congratulations. This is a moment that does for the Nebula Awards what giving Barack Obama a Nobel Peace Prize did for the Nobel Peace Prizes. I salute your forward thinking!

I urge others to congratulate them as well.

I seriously wonder if the SFWA has lost all connection with reality.

science fiction, fandom

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