PSA: Andrew P. Marston aka "Yama" permanently banned under any and all screen names

Jul 04, 2012 15:07

I've learned with some alarm that Andrew P. Marston of Marshfield MA has been engaging in some fairly extreme and illegal cyber-stalking of my friends who post to this Livejournal account. I've just banned him and ask everyone else to refrain from commenting should he post anonymously: I'll do my part by deleting his posts unreplied, so you hopefully won't even be seeing anything more from the vile, talentless little turd: which will help people with actual talent to pursue their dreams.

Andrew, if you're reading this: I know about your previous criminal case and if you keep bothering me or my friends I will not hesitate to report you to the authorities. And I am talking about people a little more authoritative than the good folk who run Livejournal. Leave us alone, or I will take further legal steps to ensure that you cease and desist this harassment. This is the sixth screen name of yours I banned, and I'm getting more than a bit tired of playing this game.

I know a lot about you, Andrew, including things I haven't ever told you I know. Seriously: go away, or I will use this knowledge against you.

yama, ban, andrew p. marston, meta

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