Malaysia Hoping to Stop the "Spread" of LGBT Through "Prevention" and "Legal Enforcement"

Jun 19, 2012 09:46

According to The Malaysian Insider, Wednesday 20 June 2012 (remember the International Dateline) "Putrajaya reining in LGBT spread, says deputy minister,"

KUALA LUMPUR, June 19 - The government views the lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans-sexual (LGBT) issue seriously and is controlling its spread through prevention efforts and legal enforcement, Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Dr Mashitah Ibrahim told the Dewan Rakyat today.

So the Malasyian government explicitly sees anything but heterosexuality as a problem, and is not only admitting but proudly announcing it.

She said these efforts were done with the help of the Islamic Development Department (Jakim) and State Religious Department (Jain) through programmes such as the BEST! Tour which aimed to educate teenagers on social ills such as HIV Aids caused by homosexual lifestyles.

Strange, I always thought that AIDS was caused by a virus. Who knew?

A series of rehabilitation and treatment courses will also be given to Muslims who have deviated from societal norms ...

No word on whether this part is purely voluntary or not. The "will also be given to" sounds suspiciously like re-education camps to me.

Dr Mashitah said the government and state religious authorities will take legal action against any Muslims involved in LGBT and who flout laws in each state.

Yep, re-education camps. And possibly worse.

I'd hate to be a gay person living in Malaysia.

Any reaction from Western gay rights groups?

Well, here's my reaction.

Malaysia, you are an oppressive and barbaric State which violates the civil rights of its own people and lacks the understanding of Natural Right to even be ashamed of it. As long as this policy persists, you do not deserve to be respected as an equal in good standing in the family of civilized nations.

As for gay Malaysians, I would advise you to emigrate. And since LGBT's tend to be a minority creative out of proportions to their numbers, I'll add that Malaysia will deserve exactly what happens to her culture in consequence of such a flight. Come to America: we welcome competent immigrants.

Anyone else care to post their opinions?

malaysia, civil rights, lgbt, shari'a, islam

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