Why We Must Beat Obama

Apr 28, 2011 06:36


There's been a lot of talk about the list of likely Republican Presidential candidates for 2012 being disappointing. I know I'm disappointed: I see no one who I would describe as even remotely "libertarian" who is not simultaneously isolationist to the point of trying to deny the existence of the rest of the world beyond American ( Read more... )

economics, 2012 election, diplomacy, future, military, barack obama

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pathia April 28 2011, 15:21:13 UTC
If any republican can come up with a decent economic plan that isn't a constant cry of tax cuts and a more reasonable solution to the healthcare crisis, then they might get my vote.


gothelittle April 28 2011, 15:41:27 UTC
The Republican solution to the health care problem is and has been http://www.gop.gov/pledge/healthcare ever since before Obamacare was 'deemed to be passed ( ... )


pathia April 28 2011, 15:48:03 UTC
I do not find the plan to be reasonable. Mostly through a lack of information due to my personal situation being so complex.

People like to hammer with me that I am so selfish and self interested, things are always 'about me', but when you cannot secure your own immediate safety and health. How do you proceed with planning farther ahead? It's fairly hard to override this low level urge.


gothelittle April 28 2011, 15:51:49 UTC
As I understand it, under that plan you would be covered under the state high-risk pool and, if you obtained insurance outside of it (or inside of it), the insurance company could not disqualify you by means of a pre-existing condition.

The lawsuit reform and opening competition across state lines should lower premiums as well.


pathia April 28 2011, 15:54:03 UTC
What controls the cost of the high risk pool?


jordan179 April 28 2011, 17:02:02 UTC
If the US economy collapses, you won't have health care either. Oh, there may be a law saying that you have "health care," and you may even be able to go to some person deemed a "medical professional," but when you have to wait years for your appointment, or the "medical professional" is merely a nurse when you need major surgery, or the necessary drugs and equipment aren't there because they can't afford to buy them -- well, maybe you can print up a copy of the law and weave it into a shroud, because that's what you'll be needing.


pathia April 28 2011, 17:06:04 UTC
If we completely collapse, I expect to die. I have no delusions of any other outcome.


gothelittle April 30 2011, 13:48:44 UTC
This statement took a lot longer to sink in for me, and when it fully did, I realized why something in it subtly bothered me.

Of course, it's perfectly reasonable to want to secure your own immediate safety and health, and it's meant to be a low-level urge. However, when I seek to secure my own immediate safety and health (and there have been times when I have needed to do so) I have never contemplated that the best and/or only way to do so is to order the government to force other people to hand it to me for free.

My attempts to secure safety/health have always involved seeing what I could do to secure these important things and who would be willing to help me of their own accord.


pathia April 30 2011, 22:17:37 UTC
Do you think I don't do these things, really, honestly?

Look, my medical bills tend to be on average three to four times my take home pay. That is to say, in one year, I will rack up enough medical bills to completely spend FOUR years of my income.

Exactly who am I supposed to go to get that much covered besides the government? Because I sure as heck don't know.


cutelildrow May 4 2011, 02:30:04 UTC
Medical studies.


pathia May 4 2011, 02:35:20 UTC
I don't qualify for those anymore. Once you're a certain age and in particular if you're on as many medications as I am (I'm on about 15 total), you don't qualify. I got some of my care in my early 20's this way, but not anymore. There isn't any way to get any useful data out of me until I'm dead at this point.


How unsurprising. cutelildrow May 4 2011, 03:40:31 UTC
Very clearly, science ceased to continue it's march and advancement solely to victimize you, with your super unique condition that would 'ordinarily kill you if it weren't for the magic drugs from Europe.' Medical technology stopped improving in its ways of discovering new ways to observe the human body down to the microscopic level, so clearly, doctors can no longer mine information from your UNIQUELY DAMAGED ON THE GENETIC LEVEL body. After all, there are obviously no doctors who want to be able to make their mark on medical discovery with you.

I have to wonder why... Hmm, no wait, no I don't! Because I'm sure that they're big evil bigoted Republican doctors who are MEAN MEAN MEAN to transgenders and keeping them from going to whichever bathroom you want to go to. Which, by the way, I'm totally vague on. Even after your lengthy several comments replies which made no explanation to melvin_udall regarding his question as to HOW your being assaulted outside a bathroom by a bigot equates to the Republicans denying you access to said bathrooms and ( ... )


Re: How unsurprising. pathia May 4 2011, 03:48:35 UTC
I think it's probably right that they would get no useful information out of me. There's way too many variable, too many things that would mess up the data, it would be worthless from a scientific standpoint. No conspiracy at all, it's simply how science works. I don't blame them at all.

I'm not going to dignify the rest with a response.


Of course you don't. cutelildrow May 4 2011, 04:05:04 UTC
Uh huh. Sure there would be too many things that would get in the way and clearly it is impossible to take those into account and consideration. You don't blame them since you blame...REPUBLICANS!

Naturally you won't, since I did the you the favor of parsing it down and translating from your diatribe, cutting through the bullshit and laying it out that you haven't got facts to back up your assertions with. You're welcome, by the way.


Re: Of course you don't. pathia May 4 2011, 04:56:31 UTC
No, I don't blame republicans, not directly anyway. I blame ignorance of the situation and misunderstandings. I do not believe any of them hold actual malice or hatred towards me. I don't even hold any hatred towards the men that assaulted me, those too were over misunderstandings and in one case I suspect alcohol to be a contributing factor.

As to why things continue to redirect into my history, it's very, very easy to explain this.

Person X asks what it would take for me to vote Republican.
I answer
Person X asks why my answer is that.
I answer

You do this once or twice and you will hit the issue. I could accept the GOP's agenda if only for their GLBT stances. I used to vote for them fairly often. If that was dropped from the platform, I'd vote for them in a second.

Did you know I voted for Bush both times? Somehow I suspect you won't believe me on this one sadly.


Bullshit. cutelildrow May 5 2011, 04:33:19 UTC
Yet you have no problem using those assaults as examples of political wrongdoing, despite saying that they were 'misunderstandings.'

I don't really have any reason to believe you, given that you have repeatedly 1) contradicted yourself 2)outright lied 3)refuse to answer direct questions 4) never given proof of your assertions and claims. You constantly reach into events that happened ages ago and describe them as if they happened recently and use them as examples of political oppression or religious oppression of YOU when in fact, they aren't, from your own admission.

And on the very first statement you outright lied again.

In general the GOP wants to force me into the men's room for necessary matters. The last two times I tried to comply with this fact in a red state, I was assaulted. One time involved me beaten even worse than that video meme of the attack in the McDonald's. The right side of my face is partially paralyzed to this day as a result of the attack.

Yet you assert that you don't blame republicans:

No, I don't ( ... )


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