IntroductionA common science-fictional scenario is the post-apocalyptic story, in which some war or disaster has destroyed civilization and the human race must rebuild from a low-tech foundation. And in real history, we see abundant evidence that civilizations are mortal: Toynbee (
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I do think that, in a civilizational collapse, small or inadequately-sustained habs would be at risk, and some would die out or be abandoned for exactly the same reasons that many towns and villas were abandoned in the fall of the Roman Empire. Others would survive, however, and act as centers from which would come the eventual rebirth of trade and urban life, just as happened in the Dark Ages.
I think it would be done in the larger habs. In a miles-long O'Neill cylinder, for instance, you could have a single small 19th-century style steelworks without much problem, and maybe even a whole miniature 19th-century industrial economy with only minor problems.
However, I don't think it's plausible that a whole civilization of habs would be reduced to that point (though of course a single hab might be so badly mismanaged as to lose all its science). It's more likely that a disaster (cultural or otherwise) would eliminate the highest-tech fabrication capability (the production of antimatter? Of negative-mass objects? Of sapient computers?) and ( ... )
They were saved when an STL starship that had become trapped in their system and hunted by everyone for its resources, which included a very powerful fusion reactor, managed to parlay its technological capabilities into the formation of a system government and shared its energy with all the cultures of that star system.
So I admit that it could happen, here and there. As note my comments regarding a "Greenland" colony situation.
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