We're at War with a Nuclear Power

May 29, 2009 07:14

The MSM has utterly missed the important development in the North Korean Crisis, namely this ...

... North Korea has declared the truce ended.

Maybe Journalism Majors don't study history or international law. When a truce which ended a war which never ended by treaty (as was the case in the Korean War, 1950-53) is ended, that means the war has ( Read more... )

america, diplomacy, north korea, war, media, south korea

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vakkotaur May 29 2009, 15:48:17 UTC
So we have a.. sitzkrieg.

As others point out, actually touching the match to the fuse means things get Very Uncomfortable Indeed for North Korean leadership. But that might not be enough to hold Kim and whoever back. They already seem irrational and thus cannot be counted upon to act rationally at all times.

The image I keep getting is of a kid that gets placated by screaming and acting out. "I make a fuss, I get goodies. I make a bigger fuss, I get more goodies." Eventually the kid gets so greedy he makes too big a fuss and this time he doesn't get more goodies, he gets what he should have gotten all along, only big-time.

Right now, nobody seems to be giving the kid the lesson he needs, which makes it more likely the problems will continue and grow. So, in a childish way, North Korea's action are rational - but not to adults. Too bad no adults seem to be running our country, either.


seawasp May 29 2009, 18:59:28 UTC
I do not recall any instance of countries behaving as adults. All countries act like children of various ages (never actually into puberty).


jordan179 May 30 2009, 01:22:39 UTC
North Korea is behaving with rather greater immaturity than most of them.


jordan179 May 30 2009, 01:12:56 UTC
As others point out, actually touching the match to the fuse means things get Very Uncomfortable Indeed for North Korean leadership. But that might not be enough to hold Kim and whoever back. They already seem irrational and thus cannot be counted upon to act rationally at all times.

Exactly. Rationally, Kim should be deterred by our superior military might. But Kim may not realize the extent to which he is outmatched, or the degree to which China may have little appetite for losing men, material and money to rescue him from the trouble he's starting. Kim is told by everyone that he's a man-god, and after many years in power, he may believe his own propaganda.

The image I keep getting is of a kid that gets placated by screaming and acting out. "I make a fuss, I get goodies. I make a bigger fuss, I get more goodies." Eventually the kid gets so greedy he makes too big a fuss and this time he doesn't get more goodies, he gets what he should have gotten all along, only big-time.And this is why it's been such a mistake for America and ( ... )


lima_pcp May 31 2009, 07:17:37 UTC
What's been holding them back for the past 56 years?


jordan179 May 31 2009, 14:49:11 UTC
Holding them back from what?


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