We're at War with a Nuclear Power

May 29, 2009 07:14

The MSM has utterly missed the important development in the North Korean Crisis, namely this ...

... North Korea has declared the truce ended.

Maybe Journalism Majors don't study history or international law. When a truce which ended a war which never ended by treaty (as was the case in the Korean War, 1950-53) is ended, that means the war has resumed.

It so happens that (for different reasons) neither America nor North Korea is all that eager to resume hostilities, but we are, right now, in a state of war against a Power possessing atomic weapons.

I, personally, find this a bit scary. The MSM apparently considers it less newsworthy than Yet Another Hollywood Scandal.

Hey, maybe if LA gets nuked, the MSM will sit up and pay attention. Ya think?

Update: Defense Secretary Gates has declared that "nobody in the Administration thinks there's a crisis." Oh, that makes me feel much more safe. Surely reality will bend itself to the whim of the Obama Administration?

america, diplomacy, north korea, war, media, south korea

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