Ohmygosh, Adiemus! Their music is so beautiful and rich and textured. And the coolest thing is that most of the words in their lyrics are freaking made up! I am so snagging a few of their CDs.
Also, Diana Wynne Jones! Why didn't anyone tell me she was so awesome before!?
People keep telling me they like my perfume, but I'm not wearing any! I wonder what it is--my shampoo? ?_?
Anyways, I've just mostly finished a bunch of paperwork to apply for a school. I'd forgotten how frustratingly long all that stuff can be. DX It'll be worth it if I make in this semester, though...
I mean, if I have any hope at all of squeezing in a workout before I go to work I'd better get a move on, but all I want to do is sit here and stare at the computer and complain about how lazy I am. And it doesn't help that I have stayed up foolishly late again.
Ah well, maybe someday I'll learn. Not today though.