May 16, 2009 16:03
blurgh I ate too much chinese for lunch :X
my phone is being even more retarded with the charger now. Like I pick it up to put the charger in and between my hand and the flat surface I am resting it on the charger pops out and is all like HAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY GUUUUUUUUYYYYSSSSSSSSSSS! I miss the days where my phone would actually grab the charger instead of putting it in there like throwing a hot dog down a hallway. The 28th cannot come fast enough, srsly.
I have a lot of work to do and what am I doing? Sitting on LJ bitching about my stupid cell phone (it's so stupid!! >:|)
OMG my chemistry exam on thursday was absolutely horrible. First it raped me in the ass and left papercuts and chemical compounds down there. Then it cut off my ass and handed it to me on a plate. THAT IS HOW BAD IT WAS. Also she put like, an extra 2 pages of problems on the test so it was almost impossible to finish even if I had known what I was doing. I really resent the way that class is run. There's way too much shit crammed into this semester and last semester, so we can only ever spend like a day on any given type of problem. And then, she puts too much on the tests. Honestly I would be fine taking more tests. It would let me stress out less about what's on it and stuff. I mean, even with the online homework and the stuff we do outside of class (workshop and quizzes and lab and stuff) I have no idea what I'm doing. I am almost looking forward to orgo next semester since from what I've heard it is just basically memorization. I can do memorization. Re: my biology tests with big fat As on them. I can do memorization. I cannot cram 50 pages' worth of notes into my head and know how to do everything, especially when she doesn't spend enough time going over it. Also the book is worthless, I sold it back last semester for $100 less than what I paid for it. I am in school for the wrong thing: I should work at a text book publisher so I can commit theft and keep a good share of it. God damn.
Zack had a little shindig at his room after the exam. There were uhh, 6 people there, and 3 of us were downing "enhanced jello" to drown our sorrows. I think something is wrong with me because any time I have any alcohol it just gives me a headache and makes me sleepy. I don't get anything other than that and a red face. What. I thought I was supposed to go loopy. Maybe it's just because I'm a newbie or something. I dunno. I invited the girl across the hall from me to Zack's thing because he thinks she is cute and she obviously thinks he is cute because when she and the other girls on my floor thought I was sleeping with him they were all zomgggg he's so cuuuuuuuute r u tappin dat?? I hope it works out between them, with all two weeks we have left here :V He had me verify that an outfit he was going to wear for some formal crap he has going on this weekend was okay and properly coordinated and not too lose so we are definitely making progress in that department.
I felt particularly emo last night and sprayed my pillow with Brad's cologne that he made me take with me and now my hair smells like him :3 Aren't we just the cutest?? I wish he could've been my pillow last night :< life is no fun if you can't drool on your combination boyfriend/pillow/heater in your sleep :(