
May 30, 2002 15:09

which BAND are you? find out!

so anyways today at work was a short day which was good AND bad....good cuz I didn't feel like being there....bad cuz I don't make lots of money......not that I haven't made a ton already this week.......($690 b4 taxes and I still have a full day tomorrow and a half day Saturday to go.....haha.....I'm in the money....do do do....)
my friend Felicity came back from her Kontiki Tour across Europe the other day so I went out for coffee with her and she told me all about it....sounded amazing....lol...I laughed at the Amsterdam stories....ahhh...Amsterdam the city of sin: fornication, drugs, live sex on stage, windows and windows of whores, "coffee" shops.......lol......
I fell at work yesterday and broke my bum......well.......not BROKE....but damn close to it....
I was on the flat bed of my truck after closing the caps to my tanks, and the deck was a little wet which I didn't realize.....as I stepped over the sheet metal partition that holds our fertilizer bags on the truck my foot slipped and hit the ground instead of the bed of the truck.......soooo...since the bed is waist high on ME I nailed my tailbone and since my other leg stayed on the truck on the other side of the partition I got a nice 7 inch long, and 2 inch wide scrape/bruise across the side of my shin.......not fun......I was flipping for like 5 or 10 minutes out in the fill bay til I could get back in the truck to go park it....my ass hurts a lot....so does my leg.....but not as much as my friggin bruised tailbone....sitting hurts, walking hurts, lying down hurts.....it's not the most fun I've ever had and I definitely don't love it...
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