You have just entered room "Gay Hot Tub Party Tarp Action."
genxbearsgaypaganbearstransbearsbears_and_cubsrpg_bears MORE BEARS! So I was watching the REAL WORLD on MTV tonight and the giant chested white girl called the generic black guy the "N" word so he got pissed off and called his mom. Later on they were having a house discussion trying to diffuse the situation and the giant chested white girl who was crying uncontrollably stood up and yelled to the generic black guy HAVE YOU EVER BEEN RAPED BY A WHITE MAN? at which point I started laughing uncontrollably.
Personally, if I am ever confronted for saying something so ridiculously racist in a manner that was meant to hurt someone I wouldn't try and get out of it by asking if my victim had been raped by a white man. I'd come up with something even more funny. Like I'd show up to the house meeting in black face.
Go an enjoy the bears.