Sharing election-watching from the privacy of my home

Nov 05, 2008 15:54

It was a unique experience, feeling a jumble of excitement, hope, and worry about the election, while simultaneously having so many other people feeling the same thing just clicks away on the internet. All day yesterday, I watched my news feed on Facebook buzz about the election. I kept watching people "donating their status" to encourage others to vote and people talk about having just voted. It was infectious, seeing so many other people excited.

By election night, Jeff and I had the TV tuned to election news while we both sat with laptops open in front of us. Tabs on my browser included The Daily Dish, FiveThirtyEight, MSNBC, and Facebook (where I could watch my friends watching the election news!) It was as if looking at multiple sources of information would somehow conspire to create news more quickly for me to consume.

I initially tried to avoid being caught up in Obamania, because I find that high charisma sometimes substitutes for good ideas. For the first 6 months of his campaign, I preferred to read his speeches, to see if I agreed with his ideas when they were lacking the fantastic delivery. (This only partially worked as the speeches are so well written.)

But I'll admit that I let out a terrific whoop last night when the networks called it for Obama minutes after the Western state polls closed. For the first time in a long time, I feel hopeful about who will be sitting in the Oval office in the coming years.


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