More first impressions: Coffeecoffeebuzzbuzzbuzz

May 01, 2006 09:26

Seattle and coffee. Yes, it's cliche, but the sheer volume of coffee houses still amazes me, even on my third time to the area. There are coffee shops everywhere, with often two or more crowding into one block. Mercer Island -- 6.2 square miles with a downtown that can't possibly be bigger than a half mile square -- has four coffee shops in the downtown area. There are two freestanding Starbucks, a Starbucks in the supermarket, and a freestanding Tully's Coffee. More astonishing still is that at 4:00 on a Sunday afternoon, the parking lot of Tully's was completely full and there was a line inside. Isn't that when normal people are supposed to be eating dinner?

(Clever readers will note at this point that your author must have been one of those non-normal people trying to park and get coffee at 4:00 to know this information. But my excuse is that I'm new here and was merely trying to do the "Seattle thing". Really.)

[Update: I missed two other shops: a freestanding espresso and pastry shop, and another Starbucks inside the other grocery store. So the total stands at 6 coffee shops within a half mile radius.]


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