A couple of days ago, I got to visit Trader Joe's. I've never been to one before, but it's a store that inspires undying devotion from people. I wasn't sure what to expect; I had the general idea that it was like Whole Foods, except cheaper. It's probably more accurate to say it's the Big Lots of Whole Foods. Organic items are impressively inexpensive there, but it's practically impossible to shop for an entire meal at the store. The one we went to had tiny produce and meat sections, and didn't sell barley. On the other hand, we got some of the best-tasting mustard I've had and the organic basil was about a $1 for a bunch that usually costs $4-$5 at Whole Foods.
I got my first taste of the infamous Seattle weather yesterday. Jeff and I drove around the Eastside (neighborhoods to the East of Seattle proper, and ones closer to Microsoft) to get an idea of possible living areas. After about 10 minutes out, it started raining hard and didn't stop until the evening. We eventually gave up and went and ate dinner instead of continuing to peer out through rain-streaked windows. When it rains in Seattle, people don't scurry through it as they do in other places. In fact, regardless of whether they have any rain gear, they seem to keep moving forward at about the same pace they do when it's not raining. Maybe after a few years in this area, you become immune to the rain.
Yesterday morning, before the rain started, I drove out to the
Snoqualmie Falls area to run with an Eastside running group. The drive there was a bit longer than I would have liked -- about 35 minutes -- but the run was through the most beautiful area I've ever run in, so it was worth it. The trail was about 6 miles long and ended on one side by dropping us off in full view of the falls. The other part of the trail wound through a beautiful forested area with old pine trees covered in moss. It looked like something straight off the set of the Princess Bride. I keep wondering when this area will stop feeling like I'm on perpetual vacation. Even though I worked last week, every time I look or step outside and see the mountains and scenery, I think, "Hey! Cool! Mountains! Trees!" I hope I don't ever get too used to it.