Crossing the line.

Aug 01, 2006 02:04

I feel like I'm standing beside a line.
A line that is clearly marked and I'm ready to cross it.
On one side, I have me, the guy i've been for as long as i remember
and on the other side, my rebellious side that I have been able to tame.
Something is drawing me to cross the line, yet something is holding me back
Both pushes are small, but I don't know what to do.
I can't stand being on one side, and I know the consequences of being on the other.
That leaves me in checkmate.
What the hell do i do?
Do you ever get that feeling?
I find that I'm at breaking point with everything now a days.
I'm ready to snap and let all my built in fustration.
I'm holding it, holding it tightly, but as the days go by
my grasp seems to be fading away.
What once I thought was stable, is not
nothing is what it seems.
I feel like a unstable chemical reaction
waiting for the catlyst
what do i do?!
do i snap? do i drive myself to insanity?
This is no joke my friend
I think i'm going through an identity crisis
I am confused and I need a push on either side
I think this has been the repercutions of my high school life
Why do i have to deal with this shit? Why me? Why not let things happen to me?
Why not push for what i want? Why be the martyr when I have every right to be the right option?
What the hell have i been doing these years? I think i've been ignorant to a part of myself that I now feel.
Am i ready? I don't know.
All i know is that I shouldn't be taking shit from no one.
I got to fight for me, and not for others happiness
I should have realized this sooner, maybe i wouldn't be in this mess

when in real doubt, look both ways,
you are alone.
face the music.
Let's not forget the voices
the voices that help you think,
help you walk to the door
the inspirational to give you that push
but at the end of the day
you are alone.
you have to walk through that door alone.
don't depend on others
find yourself and choose the right door to walk through.

I don't know what i'm doing
I'm just looking for that voice.
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