Jul 29, 2006 01:24
I'm still alive believe it or not! I am home from the UK and I had a blast. I'm really too lazy to write what my adventures were like, but i'm sure if you asked me, I would fill you in. In general, I have to say that it was AWESOME. I had a blast. I missed you all, but on the other hand, I wish I was still there partying it up.
Jon went to multiple pubs and went through the UK without an ID! heh Oh i love the UK.
Sorry, my thoughts are really scattered at the moment.. that includes talking about myself in third person.
I'm not exactly sure when the last time I updated, but all I can say that a lot is changing!
I have facebook and it's amazing. I met a lot of my floormates at Queen's and were all meeting up soon time! Everyone seems nice and I can't wait to meet these people. It's unfortunate that I can't take you all, but you are all more then welcome to visit.
I've realized that University is scary. From frosh week, to the actual bulk of work, I feel inadequate to be where I am. I do not feel prepared what so ever and I feel that I'm still a little kid!
I hung out with my bis sis today and it was awesome. I think I went through the whole day having really good conversations and never actually got bored! It's funny how fast time flies when you are having fun/growing up.
I took the other day and just thought of being a kid and not knowing what life was beyond grade 8, then high school, then university. I remember having an awesome imagination... one memory that sticks to my mind is one of the days i lay on the floor in the hall way and just looking through the skylight and watch the sun rays hit me for who knows how long. Actually, i remember that was the day that I almost drowned. I can't forget that day.. it was actually quite scary.
Anyways, for some strange reason.. my mind drifted towards grey's anatomy then to drama
Next year has drama! that's interesting! i'm quite excited!
anyways that's enough out of me now! peace out home peoples