(no subject)

Jul 09, 2005 03:08

First of all...HAPPY belated BIRTHDAY, CAINY!!! (^o')b

Right now, I'm just sitting here re-ripping all my jpop CDs. Boring work, but it must be done! Now that Amy logged off, I have no one to talk to...so I thought I'd write a journal entry while I wait for NEVER EVER to finish ripping. But I'm ripping them all again, because I deleted all my tags with my first batch of mp3s. That and I accidentally encoded some of them in 160kbps. And I figured it would be easier to rerip them with iTunes or something. I'm actually starting to like iTunes as a ripper because it's one of the few programs that will recognize Japanese characters. WMP will do it...but they do it funny. I dunno. And I got myself an iPod...so iTunes serves as a second purpose. =X

Done with NEVER EVER. Moving onto Endless Sorrow

I now realized that the iPod I got is a bit on the small side. I didn't realize I have over 10GB of jpop music alone, and I bought the 20GB. That's like less than half left after putting all my CDs on there. So I'm gonna go to Best Buy tomorrow as soon as they open to exchange it for the 60GB one. 60GB is a lot...but I think it'll come in handy in the long-run. ^^ Ugh...I have to get all the way to STEP you/is this LOVE? before I can sleep. And I'm starting to get really, really tired. Bah...

Done with Endless sorrow. Moving onto UNITE!

And that's all I really have to say right now. So this is Jonny, signing off. *salutes*
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