
Oct 16, 2020 00:03

Stress stress stress... School is doing weird things to my emotions. I picked a field that's both technical and creative, and I love that about it, but trying to exercise both parts of my brain at once is tiring. And the studio work never lets up, by design. It's always, that's nice, now why don't you go back to the drawing board and change everything by the next class session... Never mind that I also have to keep up with my history, engineering and software classes... I've gone to school before and not stressed as much, but that was partly a matter of not caring as much. I suppose it's a gift to be doing something I really care about getting right.

The weather's not letting up, and one of my stress outlets is to do outdoor exercise and generate a lot of body heat preferably in cool air. Yeah, that's not happening yet. They opened the school gym by appointment only, but I don't know if it's worth the exposure or the parking fees, and it's still not optimal weather for cycling over. The light rail was a wonderful option before the disease came along.

Needless to say the bizarre pandemic situation is not letting up either. One never stops wondering in the background if a loved one might eventually catch a bad case of it. Meanwhile people's wallets and pride and mental health are hurting with no end in sight. The last one may be the greatest challenge for me. I read something the other day about how everyone was worried about the extroverts, but that quarantine is actually hardest on the neurotic, or pretty much anyone with an existing mental health condition. I'm not especially extroverted, but I do have conditions, and the "world out there" was always therapeutic for me. I mean considering I'm someone who often purposely sought out the busiest parts of the largest cities I could find, and now I spend most of my time in this one house, yeah, it's disorienting.

The political clusterfuck certainly is in mind as well. I'm less invested in a particular outcome than practically anyone I know, but I still fear the unprecedented (word of the year) drama that will result regardless.
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