Oct 16, 2013 10:06
So here I am, doing my bit to bring people back to LJ.
I haven't posted much these last couple of years. I moved my running stuff to my running specific blog and I post a lot at G+ and FB. But LJ has some advantages over posting there, and I miss it.
I don't have any specific issue to write about right now, though, so this is going to be a general sort of update. My life is rolling merrily along. Things are generally good. My sweetie is still super awesome and I'm still very happy in that regard.
My running has been temporarily curtailed a bit, due to a wicked bout of tendonitis. But that is also getting better, slowly. I am pondering the Snow Joke half marathon in February. I would love to run it, but I'm wondering if the conditions will be good for my legs or not.
On the bright side, I've discovered that trail running is much better for my legs right now than running in town on the streets & paved trails. it's actually a whole different animal. The soft, springy earth under my feet, combined with the great variation in steps means I'm using my legs (and butt and back and core) very differently, and in ways that seem quite beneficial. I also find that I can run for longer periods comfortably, without walk breaks. I sweat more, without really noticing it's happening until after. And the endorphins! Holy buckets do they kick in fast!
So as always, life has ups and downs.
I'm enjoying the very brief break in yard-work season that exists between mowing time & raking time. Raking time will be starting up soon, and then it will be shoveling time. There's always something. :)
My cats are doing well, though I'm thinking about getting a toothbrush for Vincent. Yuck.
it seems as though a lot of people are having a rough time right now, though. The depression demons seem to be quite active. I'm trying to be a good, supportive friend but sometimes I feel like I'm saying all the wrong things.
Um... I think that's all I've got for now.
general update