Mar 30, 2005 06:15
How much did I love it that the girl's mother last night wasn't the stereotypical fat girl's mother. You know, the one pushing the diet pills and generally being the "obsessed with looks and overly critical of her daughter" mother we see so often on tv. This woman was just wonderful and I loved her throughout the entire episode.
They really created a lot of tension through the entire episode as well. I wasn't sure if they were going to be able to diagnose that child in time to save her from the radical mastectomy or not. Yes, there was the happy ending that might not have happened in real life, but I don't like the alternative. Ending the episode with a ten-year-old child without any boobs? Ugh.
Chase is a slimeball. I was sort of hoping it wasn't him, but he was written as such a jerk all the way through last night that I don't see any other out for him. I won't mind if he gets fired at all. Has he always been such a jerk? I only started watching a few weeks ago. The way he acted toward that child was nothing less than appalling. Foreman, however, was absolutely wonderful. Kind, caring, professional. I want him as my doctor and House in the background, making the tough diagnosis.
And Vogler. I know he's going to go, but I don't know how. Can't wait either. Can't wait to see how House outsmarts him. And he will. He's House. He knew that Chase was the one stabbing him in the back. He knows what Vogler's trying to do, he just hasn't worked out how to get around him yet.
I'm going to watch my tape again to find some House-isms I loved. There were quite a few times when I snickered out loud. My two older boys who were watching the show with me caught some of the jokes as well.
Love this show! Time to put a House icon up for awhile.