Fans and fandom

Mar 27, 2005 18:58

I got my report cards finished, so now I can indulge myself a little. I'm going to step on a soapbox because I've wanted to write down my thoughts on Stargate and the fandom I find myself on the periphery of. This is just my opinion, of course, but I've really wanted to get it written down, and this seems a good a place as any to do it.

First of all, I love Stargate SG1. I discovered it when Farscape ended, and I didn't think anything could ever take the place of my beloved John, Aeryn, Chiana, D'Argo, etc., and I was a bit angry at Stargate in the first place because Farscape was cancelled and Stargate wasn't. But I gave it a chance, and while it didn't completely take the place of my first love, I came to appreciate Stargate in it's own way.

I came to Stargate late. I always tend to be on the outside of fandom anyway, being as I'm a titch (ahem) older than many fen, especially on lj. Also, my kids have to be priority number one so the only time I can devote to it is piecemeal. So I'm an outsider, which is fine with me.

Getting involved with Stargate as late as I did, I've been able to sit back and do a some observation. As I watched the earlier episodes, I quickly identified Daniel as a particular favorite. There was just something about his combination of innocence, vulnerability, intelligence and courage that tugged at my heartstrings. It wasn't long until I heard the whole story of Michael Shanks' departure and quickly discovered the animosity that still lingers in some places (unfortunately) due to that whole mess. I was quite shocked at first that anyone could *not* love Daniel. (Silly me.) Add to that the whole S/J shipper thing, and it can be a touchy fandom to be a part of.

(As a side note, being a huge Scaper and a big Daniel fan, the prospect of Ben Browder and Michael Shanks on the same show next year has me absolutely salivating. Bring on Season 9!)

What boggles my mind, after lurking at a variety of different forums, some pro S/J ship, some anti, some pro-Daniel, some indifferent to him and some places not liking Daniel at all, is that a lot of people in these groups, whose views are quite often polar opposites of each other, feel like they're being screwed. I can't help thinking that if one group with completely opposite views feels like the producers are sticking it to them, the other group ought to be ecstatic. However, this is not the case.

I know, I know. Everyone is an individual, and every person, no matter under which fannish umbrella they fall, wants different things from the show. I guess I'm just puzzled by the sense of entitlement I see. *We've waited XX long years for our resolution!* *TPTB are screwing us again!*, I've read in more than one place. I really don't think they are, I think they're just telling the story they want to tell, and some viewers will like it and some won't.

I saw this with Buffy fandom as well, this sense that we as fans are entitled to the outcome we are hoping for. I really don't think we have that right. We have the right to be angry, disappointed, apathetic, elated, etc. We have the right to turn off the TV or change the channel. However, we don't have the right to demand storylines go the way we like and be indignant when it doesn't turn out the way we'd hoped. It isn't our show.

I've been guilty of this myself a time or two, and whenever I catch myself doing this I give myself a figurative kick in the pants to get my perspective back.

Maybe it happens when shows go on for a long time? Not sure, as Buffy and Stargate are the only fandoms I've been involved in where the shows have been extremely long-running, other than a few shows that I became a part of the fandom long after they were cancelled.

Oh well. I fervently hope that the showrunners of all the shows I currently watch (24, House, Lost, and Numb3rs at present) stick to whatever their vision for the show is and don't try to please the fans too much, even when it comes to my particular favorites. (Charlie/Claire, anyone?) ;-)

Eh, this is one fan babbling away about nothing all that important, but it feels good to get it out, in my own journal. I absolutely love fandom with all it's idiosyncracies and it will never change. That's more of a good thing than a bad thing, IMO, but for me personally, it pays to sit back and watch the goings-on with a sense of bemusement and detachment every once in awhile. It helps keep me in balance.

And now, even though the papers are graded, all the lessons aren't ready, so back to work. :)
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