Welcome to
jongman*, a community for SHINee's Kim Jonghyun. This is the place for:
- ridiculously long meta discussions
- your favourite solo or performance or live
- rating how sensitive you are to the word "screeching" (ban_set)
- songs you want to see Jonghyun cover
- complaints about irritating characterisations and short jokes
- pictures, videos, audio, gifs, fanaccounts, fanworks
- your favorite fansites and screencaps of tonghyun's tweets
- pictures of corgis that look like Jonghyun
- things you want to buy him, like a Mario Balotelli "Why Always Me" shirt
- how much you love his eyelashes (and speculations on length in mm)
- translations of everything (everything)
- ... and basically everything else that would be too embarrassing to even think to yourself if not for the fact that you love him so much.
Coherency, rationality, and thoughtfulness is strongly encouraged. General discussion is welcome, but it should be at least tangentially relevant to Jonghyun and/or SHINee.
Official off-topic days:
- MAY 25 SHINee and/or any of the individual members
- JULY 18 Taemin
- DECEMBER 9 Minho
- DECEMBER 14 Onew
Some general guidelines:
- cite sources where possible and necessary (i.e. where not already present and visible)
- be mindful of others - we're here to be happy and shower adoration on Jonghyun
- post content directly to the community whenever possible
- avoid posting or referring to sasaeng/stalker photos, videos, fanaccounts, &c.
- lock posts as you see fit (i.e. rumours, or when too embarrassing to be public)
- tag all entries (follow the format when creating new tags)
For convenience, an index of posts, by type and chronological order:
Discussions, &c.
* 종만 is one of Jonghyun's nicknames.
Join and
post, post, post! 그럼 전 여기까지♡