Here’s my selection of interesting (and sometimes amusing) posts about writing from the last week (plus a few from December 17th - 31st):
The Pitch Begins With Premise (Vicky Dreiling)
by way of Lucienne Diver (aka
Creating a Long-term Writing Career (Stephen Cannell)
by way of Robert Kern
The Inner Editor vs. the Inner Critic (Maggie Jamison)
The Biggest Mistakes Writers Make When Querying Literary Agents (J. M. Tohline)
by way of April Henry (aka
How Much to Sell Yourself (Mary Kole)
Elmore Leonard on Writing by way of J. T. Glover (aka
Borders, Post-mortem (Joshua Bilmes)
by way of Greg Frost (aka
When Publishing Dreams Become a Nightmare (Rachelle Gardner)
The 7 Deadly Sins of Paranormal Romance (Chuck Sambuchino)
A little something under the tree for writers (Karen W. Newton aka
Writing by the numbers (Shari Green aka
sharigreen )
Tidbits (Victoria Strauss)
If you have a particular favorite among these, please let the author know (and me too, if you have time). Also, if you've a link to a great post that isn't here, feel free to share.