Wallace Daisukes true fusion partner?

Oct 04, 2010 13:20

I have been busy for the past couple of weeks at work. I am also busy uploading pictures to the "Digimon crests" posts. Digimon Tamers will just have to wait.

Im so busy, that i really dont have the time and energy to upload any pictures to this post at this point. I will also have to start checing my previos posts for spelling errors.

But still i began to think, what if Wallace was Daisukes true, and real fusion partner. I will have to leave the idea at that, untill i have to the time to write more and upload more pictures, but this what i truly feel, and a think pairing Ken and Daisuke was a mistake!

First evidence that Daisuke and Ken were not originally meant together!

Now, compare that to this picture advertising the feature length(70 minute) movie!

If i remember correctly,Yamato and Taichi were fusion partners in the original Bokura no Wargame movie. There crests were courage and friendship.

Now compare to to Daisuke and Wallace, who together hold the digimentals of miracles and destiny

Coincidence? I think not!

Here are all the symbols of Digimon Adventure! Take a look, and you will see, that the only ones who have there own symbols outside the original chosen children are...

Daisuke and Wallace! Thats right! They have the golden digimentals! Ryo does not have hes own symbiot or symbol, buit if he did, it would definetly be righteousness! He is Kens true and original fusion partner and also saves the original children once they had been kidnapped by Milleniumon.



The point is;Daisuke and Wallace are special!

What then makes Daisuke and Wallace so special?

In part is it's symbolism, and Wallace is a nativeborn American, and Daisuke a barefooted Japanese.

I believe that in part directors wanted to promote a politican message, and also a marketing message. This whole;"Digimon goes to America" thing was also carefully marketed, Bandai well knew that American Saiban would be making an American version of the Digimon movies. It might be, that this Digimon "summer movie" was made with that paticular fact in mind.

Wallace as a charecter is both in good and bad a reflection of the attituted of that time. He is a blond, golden hair blue eyed American, and having a REAL golden hair blye eyed American as a friend is considered the greatest pride and joy of happines for a Japanese. Unfortunately Wallace is a product of hes time.

Digimon is an anime, that advertises a product. Advertisement is the main point of the entire show. Wallace exists very much for that sole purpose;to advertise!

But....i must say, that in many ways Wallace is not that bad as a charecter as it seems to be. Even tough he is a part of the race of "evil opressors" Wallace keeps Daisuke very nicely in check.

As stated previosly, Daisuke is a cold blooded PUNK ASS! When dealing with Daisuke Takeru is always forced to show restrain as he is a "senpai" after all, ans hes girlfriend Hikari would have none of it(that is, Takeru and Daisuke actually physicly fighting like Yamato and Taichi did in the original Digimon Adventure, wich was a lot more "physical season" anyway)

Wallace never actually hits Daisuke, but he comes close(when Daisuke interrupts him on the phone)and it's is pretty clear that Wallace COULD smack the living taste out of Daisuke mouth...if he wanted to, demeaning himself to Daisukes level. And i like that in a guy!

Daisuke does not get to push Wallace around like he was pushover, wich Daisuke does to Takeru on several occasions and Takeru is forced to just take it. Wallace is physicly quite handsome, probobly strong, and also has a strong will. He is not intimadated by Daisukes desprerate little "stunts" for attention. Daisuke also realizes after a while, that he cant push Wallace around. He camls down, and starts treating him normally like a peer, because that is what he really is. When Daisuke deals with Ken, it was mostly from a position of pity. Daisuke "owed" Ken after Wormon saved V-mon from bein deleted. Ken treates Daisuke like a husband, and calls for his help like a little girl after beinf kidnapped by...some baddie, cant remember anymore!

With Wallace it's different. Wallace is a MAN and he is also straight, wich is something i really cant say for either Ken or Daisuke. He flirts around the girls(mainly Miytako)as a straight man is supposed to. Notice how Daisuke becomes ahfully jealous, even tough he doesent find Miyako the least bit attractive? Whats the matter tough guy? I think your not a afraid the white boiy is going to take away "your girl" You are afraid because after all this time and wating we finally have someone who is more attractive than you, and you feel intimated by that dont you? Your that kind of a "candy boy" whos used to seducing others, both boys and girls, and now your facing someone whos more attracive than you! And it is THAT that is making you feel uncomfortable! Not that the fact that the mr blonde is hitting on Miyako!

The fact is, that Daisuke is both a punk and a "candy boy" Wallace puts him nicely in place, and forces him to admit that outside hes native soil Japan he is nothing more than a mortal. And i really, REALLY like that in a guy!

So Wallace, you dont hold the Digimental of destiny for nothing! There truly is something special about you! Am i jealous because your white, and you get to have Daisuke all to yourself?

No, not the least! On the contrary! I ENJOY seeing somebody finally show Daisuke hes place! I think you are a great addition to Digimon. I understand why we didn't see any of you in the final Digimon Adventure related movie, but...there is always hope:) Digimon really needs a cool blond like you to keep a surden punk in line! Ken has improved quite a lot in the final Digimon Adventure movie, but i still feel that Wallace has something special. He has an attitude and hes got guts as well..and yeah, the sexy looks!

But in all honesty, there is just something that irks me a little with the Wallace-Daisuke pairing. Miracles+Destiny?

Does this imply that Daisuke holds the key to miracles? That he can create miracles?

Oh for gods sake! He FOUND the power source of Kens floating casttle AFTER Wormon guided him to it! So what? Are you telling me that this PUNK can create miracles? Magnamon coulnd't even win the fight before Wormons interfearace! THAT WAS THE F**** MIRACLE!!!

And Wallace...well, maybe your just a bit too perfect, a bit too handsome for my taste. Destiny? What destiny to you hold? What is the symbolism of a Japanese and a white American boy getting together and even holding hands? That America and Japan are meant to be together forever because it is "destiny"

My next post will be abour Akiyama Ryo. The REAL HERO of Digimon! And might i also add as a last word, that there is 1 major problem preventing Daisuke and Wallace from being Digimon partners;Wallace is straight and Daisuke is not! This is something i will get into later, and indeed i can proof what i say, but...it's so obvious and always has been, that if you didn't realize it by now you are a complete moron! In any case, Daisuke and Wallace make good friends to meet for a day or two, but if these guys would hang around any longer then that thyeywould probobly get into a fight, and Wallace would NUKE the living daylights out of our "candy boy" So, perhaps at the end of the day you are better off with Ken purely in a homosexual relationship, considering Wallace would simply be too much of a MAN for you to handle!

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