Digimon Tamers

Aug 20, 2010 01:18

By the time Digomon Tamers started, a lot of the Digimon boom had already started to settle down. Bandais advertising budget for Digimon Tamers was modest, probobly out of fear how the fans would react to a none Adventure related season.

Overall Tamers reseaved a very modest advertising budget. Bandai made the mistake of pouring money into Digimon Adventure 02 advertising(especially the movies)while neglecting Digimon Tamers.

Bandai had went maybe a bit too far in killing the original Adventure universe, and them simply "hopping" onto alternative Digimon universes. For the viewer Digimon Tamers was therefor something pretty much thrown in hes face, while he/she was still in someway trying to come to grips what exactly had happend in Digimon Adventure 02

Bandai didn't invest enough money into the animation budged during this rathed delegate phase. Instead, they began with a new series and a new set of charecter literally out of the blue. Digimon Tamers had a truly fantastic toy with totally new, special abilities(compared to Digimon Adventure 02) but Bandai really screwd up the advertising! As a result many fans were wary of Tamers, believing it to be an Adventure clone or "wanna be" pretty much the same way many people originally believed Digimon to be a Pokemon clone, wich indeed was not the case!

Tamers offered the fans something a bit too good a bit too soon, just after Digimon Adventure 02 had endet(wich itself began only a week after the original Digimon Adventure endet)The fans just werent ready for something like this right out of the blue! Most fans at that point barely and barely understood the concept of how the original Adventure Digivice worked, and how it was related to the show. Throwing 3 new Digivices on the fanbase as soon as the original Adventure endet was...well, lets just put it this way;bad marketing!

Digimon Tamers in reality is a very good "stand alone" season hower done with a very small advertising budget even compared to Frontier. The toy has 2 innovative ideas;card slash and a USB-connection to the internet!

Digimon ideas tend to be very creative, but excetued rather poorly. Digimon Adventure 02(with digimental evolution and digimon fusion in the same series)is a classic example of this!

Digimon Tamers by itself is indeed a good series. Hower the animation budget is clearly lacking a lot! I believe there is a possibility that Bandai poured money away from Digimon Tamers to the animation of Frontier, in order to improve the series changes of survival as the toy it was advertising was rather weak. While there is no clear evidence of this it was atleast one possibility, easily explaining why such a fantastic toy had yet such a weak anime to advertise itself. This is what i would call "corporate socialism" that in Japan is said to be rather common

Digimon Tamers is very different from...lets say Digimon Adventure 02 Takato is built to he a "super hero" where as Daisuke often had to deal with both the feeling of lost and rejection(in hes relation to Hikari)

Digimon Tamers has a very strong "Hero syndrome" to built Takato as a strong and powerfull hero. This is the achilles heels of this season. Takato is just as much a hero as Daisuke was an anti hero, but...

Takatos role as a hero in the end is a bit too overly emphasized. While it makes the audience able to like and love him much more then it ever did Daisuke, it also simplifies hes charecter a lot more. Unlike the rather complicated and complex Taichi in the original Digimo Adventure, Takato is simply a natural born hero. This is emphasized even more in his relationship with Juri, hes girlfriend.

Digimon at it's core essence is supposed to be about team work, as seen already in the original Adventure(altough it was rather Yamato x Taichi orientated) Digimon Tamers is perhaps a bit too much about Takato from the beggining to the end. One 10-year old boy becomes nearly a divine hero during the course of the show.

The directos sacrifices too much of Juri, Takatos girlfriend, for the sake of glorifying Takato. This makes the show a bit too tragic to watch for little kids. Juris suffering is not logical, and weakness Takatos charecter development also too much. Juri(Katou) is a short of a Digimon christ like charecter, who is more or less crucified on behalf of the sins of others. We see a surden nasty pattern here with Ken, Juri and  Kouichi. Her Digimon(Leomon) for example dies trying to save Renamon from being deleted. Overall she gets treated pretty bad. Her mother dies when she is very young. Then her best friend Leomon dies. Then...well, she gets kidnapped by a giant tentacle monster and held inside the monster for... difficult to say. Over a week definitely! I would say around 7-10 days, with no food, water, sleep, or a change to go to the toilet, constantly abused by the tentacles...i mean, Takato barely gets a slap on the wrist during the course of the show comapred to that. Sure, he does get to feel some pain during the course of the show, as he and Guilmon share a special bond. So yes, he does. But...you just cant compare folks! I mean being abused by tentacles for 7 days as opposed to...getting beaten for a couple of minutes. Well, she gets abused by tentacles for only 7 days, and spends the rest of the time in a very small ball, barely big enough for her to stand up and walk around. By the way i wonder how she breaths considering the D-reaper probobly doesent have human air conditioning?

Folks, why dont we see Takato or any of the other charecters abused like this? Takato is nowehere near close to the PUNK that Daisuke is, that's true! Hower, theres still a moral question here;why does only the girl get to suffer? Sure, Takato does get beaten pretty bad but...abused by tentacles?

I mean, in Digimon Adventure 02 V-mon gets hurt like HELL! He nearly dies several times, like for exmaple being squashed to death in Chimeramon iron fist. But Daisuke just...stands there. Hell, Lightdramon gets blown up to bits by Chimeramon, but then Daisuke just shouts;"It's not over yet! Chibimon, lets try again!"

Cool! So, when to we see you being squashed to death or even getting a buised, oh hero in golden armour(pun intendet) And the same goes for Takato as well! True, Takato actually DOES feel Guilmons pain, but thats not what were talking about here folks! A 10-year old girl being held for freaking 7-DAYS inside a tentacle monster before Takato finally comes and rescues her...

Jesus only spent 3-days in hell, and if we count hes cruficition and everything related to that, maybe 5 days. So Juri is a lot tougher than Jesus!

Look, perv director! Im pretty sure you enjoy seeing Juri squierm, as do a lot of you oh so pervy Japs in the audience. Hower, you people probobly have never heared about "equality" now have you? True, Takato does get shaken a little around by the D-reaper but...well, it would have been fun for the D-reaper to grab Takato with her giant tentacles just for a little while in the final episode. Just before she gets dragged into the wormwhole. Maybe just 10...30 seconds. Just so Takato would feel even a small part of Juris pain. I mean, isn't that fair? Juri for the most part saves herself anyway, by overcoming BOTH the death of her mother AND Leomon!

So Takato, our brave hero in shining armour? How about just a little squirming in a sea of tentacles? Just for the sake of "equality" Just to let you feel weak and helplesness to understand what it feels like, when the "whole world" turns against you? But no...this would ruin our pretty boys image as the "knight in shining armour"

Heh heh;=))

Maybe Takato at the end of the day you are not that different from Daisuke, am i right? Both of you want to be heroes, and somebody else always takes away your pain, like Wormon taking Magnamons place, and Ken having to feel the loss of hes Digimon partner. Ken feeling the pain of hes brothers death, and saving Ryo becoming infested instead...

And you Takato, you sure cry and whine a lot, but have you ever experienced REAL pain? I think your a bit too "heroic" for my taste. It would have been a lot cooler for Juri to actually save HERSELF while it was you, who would have gotten entaggled in all those tentacles, untill your friends come and rescue you. Afterall, your all kids right, or are the sexual roles here set too much in stone for you, because unfortunately that apears to be the case.

Symbolicly this reminds me of how the women has to go through the pain of pregnancy and giving birth. The man is just as resonpible for the pregnancy, but goes through none of the pain. Well theres always the mandatory military draft, wich hower was abolished in Japan after the lost war. Juri kind of suffers the pain so Takato can emerge physicly and mentally unharmmed as the "big hero"

And how exacly does the D-reaper create an agent of herself anyway, wich has no physical cabel connection to the original D-reaper? I mean all the other agents are connected by cabels, and even the D-reaper itself through various string around the world...a bit like the D-arc is connected to the internet with a USB-cable by the way;=))

But this "special" D-reaper agent doesent need a cable. I wonder why....

Indeed, in the final episode it is mostly Henry and Terriermon who do the REAL work alongside Ruki+Ryo, while Takato is the night in shining armour. Talk about boring...

Personally i get no special sadisfaction in hurting Takato. Daisuke is a different matter, but then again, thats a different series! Hower the "femminist" in me feels that it is wrong for the girl to take al that mental and physical damage, while Takato gets to play...knight in shining armour, LITERALLY!

Considering this is HES girlsfriend we are saving here, i think he should have done a bit more suffering. I mean, what better way to start a relationship than sharing each others pain? Or if you dont want to hurt the "golden boy" then why do all that damage to hes girlfriend to begin with? To make him look more like a hero?

I mean Daisuke was a geniune pain in the ars, but atleast...well, atleast he wan openly just a punk from the first episode to the last! Takato screaming heroism with hes obvious female voice...well, maybe it would have been cool to spank him a bit more. I sincerely believe it would have grown hes charecter. Takato has a lot of reasons to thank hes friends, yet i see no paticular episode where he ever does so. He just stands up there with that cocky broad smile of hes like a...hero?

Ups! Thats not Takato but Daisuke! But at this point i can no longer tell the difference;=))

Despite everything Takato is probobly 1 of the last anime charecters i would want to get hurt. Even so, for the sake of so called "morallity" i think Takato could have taken a bit more punches. I think the message here unfortunately is;the more louder i scream, the more powerfull i become, so eventually NO ONE can beat me! I am the Digimon HULK!!!

I fear the fans are giving Tamers WAAAAY too much credit for the sake of;"well, atleast it's not 02! Atleast Takato isn't DAISUKE!!!"

Yes, he surdenly isn't, but we must remember 1 thing about Daisuke;he was a punk from the start, and a punk tot he finish! He was also treated like a punk be hes peers. Everybody recognized him as a punk. He was half a man, so Ken could be the other half!

Takato is different! He is a MAN! This is a REAL SEASON unlike 02, wich was about half finished when it was pushed out of the oven. You just cant compare Takato to Daisuke. He is simply at a much, much, MUCH higher level!!!

So, the "rules" dont amply to him. Takato...indeed this entire series has to be judged on a higher standard. Simply rubbing Tamers on you and saying;"well, atleast this isn't 02" is bad meddicine!

It doesent work that way boys and girls! Digimon Tamers must be judged for it's flaws, not just for it's virtues. The animation is barely and barely watchable, including the "special effects" Takato is somebody who deserves to spanked, HARD! The directos has the attitude;the kids are going to just LOVE this because atleast it's not 02"

Yeah great! Thats the spirit! Give us some bandaid for the BIG bleeding wound of seeing the entire Adventure universe DIE before our eyes! Some bandaid and morphine! Throw in some b-class animation, and then a girl abused by a tentacle monster. JIIHAAA!!!!!

So, perhaps a bit more "pain sharing" amongs little "husband and wife" would have made this a bit more ballanced season. But then again, this series went as far as making the "chosen children" feel the pain of there Digimon. Pretty radical, compare to 02, when Daisuke just stood there...as V-mon was getting squashed...REPEADETLY!

This season has an obvious "fear of death" into it, and Leomons death simply demonstrates that. In Digimon Adventure 02 Wormons dies, so Ken goes back to the Digimon "willage of begginers" to reviwe him, and ofcourse Wormon despite dying still remembers him. What a touching scene!

I guess the message is;death is not really that big of a deal for a Digimon. Just make sure you dont die while in the human form, of you become a ghost like Wizardmon, basicly never being able to return home.

Heh heh;=))

In Digimon Tamers on the contrary if you die, you also STAY DEAD! Well technicly Lemon now lives inside Belzebumon, wich may also cause him to have a surden change in personality. Hower death is something very clear, and obvious in Digimon Tamers.If a Digimon dies, it's data is literally SUCKED OUT OF IT! Nothing will remain, not even a digitama, unlike in Digimon Savers for example.

All the children fear, that there best friends and ultimately there avatars the Digimon will be destoyed. And to demonstrate this, the director just had to choce Takatos girldfiend, who really liked Leomon. Yeah, real cool!

I think at a surden level the fear of death this series has is not healthy at all. The constant fear of dying and getting hurt basicly speaking shadows everything even more then in the original Adventure. The charecters overall are interesting, besides Jury, who is chosen as a Jesus like charecter. Or she is the "Hiroshima" of this show if you so wish to call her that, paying the ultimate price so that Takato and the others could be safe.

I think the directos too despsrately was searching for some kind of a "Digimon Armageddon" Japanese directors and scripwriters have a habbit to look for an Armageddon(do to surden cultural and historical reasons)or else the show just wont be complete or it wont be "truly" Japanese!

It is typicly Japanese to have the "dark side" and the "light side" stricly separated from one another, as is the case in for example the famous Japanese Snes game "a link to the past" Digimon Tamers(like a "link to the past")starts with very light, positive themes, wich a group of children having fun with there Digimon partners. And it ends...will, with a giant tentical monster basicly trying to rape and kill everybody.

I understand the idea of the D-reaper itself, as it basicly is a materialized virus, just like the Digimon are realized, and it does this using the power of the Hypnos. Yes, a very good idea, just like a human being possed by a Digimon in 02 Good idea, but it just doesent hold out till the very end, as also in Digimon Adventure 02. Infact i would dare to say that the 02 idea was a lot better. It COULD have worked, maybe with Wallace being some kind of an exchange student coming to Japan and being Daisukes REAL fusion partner, throwing in Ken + Ryo fusion, and Maybe some romantic Hikari+ Takeru, adding some more demonic Oikawa, Berialwandemon + Demon + Dracomon teamwork and...oh GOD! All the possebelities, BUT because Bandai was doing to throw the ENTIRE Adventure universe under the buss for the sake of Digimon Tamers, it was not to be. Instead we have a fucked up Digimon Adventure 02, and Mr tentacle monster in Tamers...

The D-reaper is basicly a giant genocidal tentical monster, wich also has plans to take over the entire world, using it's realizing point in Hypnos as a point of expansion to other countries like America, that have computer controll systems to grow even STRONGER!


But still...all it takes is 4-kids and a group of computer nerds to beat this guy!? And the way it happened...WAAAAY too easy! Well ok, the soverign 4 powerfull Digimon DID indeed help out. But still...

Lets see a little sacrifice, shall we? Perhaps Guilmon evolving back to a Digitama? It just was WAAAY too easy! Perhaps Takato hurting hes arm, and we not knowing will it get better or not. I mean, Takato and the D-reaper agent basicly just duke it out using bare fists. At the very least they should hawe allowed the D-reaper to get a good grip of Takato with the giant tentacles for 10-30 seconds or so, and for us to atleast see+feel hes pain, so that it all would have had a meaning. Now it's all just WAAAY too easy!

I mean, were talking about a basicly overgrown computer virus, wich has both absorbed the light of digivolution from the Digimon(even tough the 4 digimon GODS tried to stop her)and human thinking+logic. And the kids just...you know...fight with the damn thing and then it goes away. No damage, no real sacrifice, and thus also no real meaning. If this really is the mother of all evil, then atleast lets see something EVIL! Or are you telling me the only thing D-reaper really is capable of us just abusing Juri with the tentacles?

This toy had SO MUCH POTENTIAL, and yet the anime was so LAME! A digimon toy with a card slashing ability, and a USB-connection to the internet! And...well, the anime isn't a total loss. It's just...boring.

The charecter design was also VERY badly done. Takato is the white 8-year old neighbourhood boy from next door. Daisuke looked MUCH more Japanese, and would have made a PERFECT fusion partner with Wallace, adding to that maybe Hikaris and Takerus Digimon evolving to there ultimate level(Seraphimon and Magnadramon like the movie)and ultimately fusing. Also Ken + Ryo DEFINELTY would have been the way to go! 02 was all fucked up! The sollution would have been some king of a 02 + Tamers combo, or an 02 comeback. Henry is basicly a Chinese version of Wallace with even the same Digimon. This whole anime looks anyway like the 90's show. The scenes and everything else really looks like the 1990's Japan. Where is the futurism? Were is the vision we had in 02? I mean, when all your main charecters are WHITE(apart from 1 token Chinese)you have basicly just reverted back to the 1990's "great blondening" In 02 atleast the main charecter Daisuke wa openly Japanese no matter how much of a dorn he was. No matter how much he was put down by Takeru + Wallace(the blond boys)ATLEAST he was openly Japanese. No matter how badly he got beaten(mentally recjected and laughed at by hees peers)ATLEAST HE WAS FREAKING JAPANESE! TAKATO IS BASICLY MR BLOND AMONGAST HES GREAT "JAPANESE" MENTOR

I did enjoy the Hirokazu+ Kenta as a "pair" and also the 3 "primary colors" were not that bad either. But...well lets just put it this way;something was definetly missing from this season. And im not only talking about the lacks in animation budget considering the signifance of the toy!

Well, atleast we finally got to know what happened to Akiyama Ryo, Kens original fusion partner!

P.S;And YEAH! Im well aware of this Konaka website, as are most of the fans. It's basic material on Tamers. So what if i forget to add a few links?

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