End of the semester!

Jun 20, 2016 03:13

Finally the 6th semester of my major ended!! I still have 2 more semesters to go and a lot of things to learn but hope I can make it trough succesfully :) Well now I'm on vacations since 3 weeks ago and have another month and a half of vacations! yay! lol But I have to find a job soon.. Well first here in Mexico we have to make the "social service" that it's to work on the government for 6 months for free! And it is a requirement to be able to graduate.. Well, but the interesting part start after I finish my major because I'm planing to apply for a master schoolarship in Japan! I know it won't be easy to get it but I'll try hard! Also I'm still learning japanesse and I hope I can be more or less good by the time I finish my major but let's see what happens. My second option is to find a job on a japanesse company here in my country. On the last 2-3 years a lot more of japanesse companies have been coming to Mexico so they need people that speaks japanesse, a point in my favor(? Also I can work in almost any company since I'm studying International Affairs and I'm specializing on international comerce and logistic. For now I'll enjoy my vacations and watch dramas and Arashi shows all day haha But I don´t know what to watch since 99.9 % and Sekamuzu both already ended!! Both dramas were really good and fresh to se Jun and leader on those kind of characters, though I was surprised at first when I heard that Ohno was going to do love-comedy. That's all for now I'll keep fangirling and studying japanesse these vacations And also doing yoga(? >.< またね!
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