This is fucking embarrassing...

Jun 07, 2005 21:41

I tried to wank this morning in the shower. Like every morning...

Nohing happened.

I thought of Dean... of Yevgeny... of Dean and Yevgeny together. Of all three of us together...


I thought of Evan, Nathaniel, Eldarion. Various combinations. Of Aidan, Michael... even Haag!

Still... nothing! I panicked! Because... well, my cock wasn't responding!

I finished the shower, dried up, had breakfast and calmed down. Because panicking? Not a good state to be in to attempt any kind of erection. Then snuggled up to Yevgeny, teased him... and whew. It worked.

But man, that was close!!! For a moment I knew real terror!!!


tucker, masturbation, remus, yevgeny, will, random, silliness, josh, hsu

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